Mu is an activism-focused forum available to people all around the world, with the exception of the UK. Users should keep the purpose in mind, although humor and lighthearted comments are welcome. Our rules exist to keep everyone safe, so please read them carefully.
- Do not use the board to engage in, advocate, or facilitate illegal activity of any kind. #
- Erotica (whether photographic, artificially-generated, drawn, or written) is strictly prohibited. Links to such material, tips on where to find such material, and requests for such material, are not allowed. Do not provide tips or tools to assist with the production of AI erotica in any format. #
- Do not admit to any illegal activity for which you have not already been found guilty in court. #
- Do not reveal private information about other MAPs, our allies, or people under the age of 18. #
- Do not use your account to arrange meetings with other forum participants. Do not share private messenger IDs. Trusted members sharing e-mail addresses is accepted according to moderator discretion. #
- Do not use hateful language (e.g. racial slurs) or post extremist content. This includes expressions of support for violent sexual behavior. Do not post content that could easily be misrepresented to malign or endanger yourself, other participants, or the forum host. #
- Do not act in bad faith, such as by harassing posters you may dislike, or unnecessarily derailing productive discussions. #
- Political discussions need to stay in the Politics and Debates forum. Complaints should be presented to moderators in a report and not made in-thread (we may warn and suspend users who repeatedly ignore this). #
- While Mu does not prohibit participation by legal minors, we do require participation to be in good faith. Individuals who identify as minors may not use our forum to engage in any kind of provocative or flirtatious behavior. This includes (but is not limited to) asking how to meet MAPs. Likewise, communications by MAPs toward those identifying as minors must remain beyond reproach. #
- As well as being legal, avatars (and usernames) should be tasteful and not erotic in nature. We want to create an atmosphere that supports serious discussion. Clothed photos of children are acceptable in avatars as long as they meet this standard. #
- Due to the Online Safety Act 2023, with which MAP Forum cannot comply unless it jeopardizes user and operator anonymity, we do not permit members based in the UK. We use geoblocking to prevent access from the UK, and those stating they are based in the UK will have their account suspended. #