Analogies for modern pedophobia

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Artaxerxes II
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Analogies for modern pedophobia

Post by Artaxerxes II »

Some time ago, I made an analogy between cult beliefs and CSA orthodoxy, and yesterday I also posted on another forum the various ways past witch-hunting and fag-bashing were similar but different from the cult-like enforcement of CSA dogma.

So use this thread to pastebin any analogy that you can think of between past situations and our current predicament and its development.

I'll start with re-posting here my more recent and latter post:
In other words, you want someone to do the devil's advocate on your position that today's pedophobia is an underhanded way for norms to gain the upper moral ground in society to gain a new perspectives.

In that case, we would need to look at each case that you mentioned (witch hunting and pathologisation of homosexuality) individually:
  • Witch-hunting: Revolved around specific accusations of women (often old and isolated from the local townspeople) engaging in witchcraft. Although feared, such trials weren't as persistent as one might think, as many women could prove their innocence and it wasn't unusual for judges to be sceptical of such cases, and most cases of such trials occurred in the early modern era, in regions where Protestants and Catholics would compete for power.

    Pathologisation of homosexuality: Mostly began as a reification of European homophobic attitudes that originated with the early church's calls for banning sodomy, which would then spread across the world eventually. The main concerns were with curbing degeneracy and any non-reproductive sexual activity, as well as stamping out what was then seen as a corrupting influence on society plus keeping out a generally disgusting practice. The fears of homosexuality preying on boys is a more recent one, and wouldn't come up until the late 20th century or so as narratives of the evil pederastic molester gained currency (see 1961 short film Boys Beware).
While there are many aspects of pedophobia that share commonalities with witch-hunting and fag-bashing, whether it's false accusations often being made to get back at someone or the scientification of old taboos, there are a few key differences:
  • Contrary to popular myths, witch-hunting wasn't as prevalent and judges of then would often express skepticism of individual cases. For example only 25% of those accused were executed in early modern England ... raft-myths. In contrast, few if any judges are willing to go against CSA accusations, and more often than not such trials end in prosecution. Also, if the accusations of witchcraft were often consistent and used to curb on what was deemed as anti-social behaviour, accusations of CSA are often vaguer and are based on an ever-expanding criteria of behaviour deemed "inappropriate" under the "grooming" umbrella.

    With the pathologisation of homosexuality, while it's purpose was to reify and provide a scientific basis to homophobic prejudices and reaction formations that informed it, it should also be understood that minor attraction was far more normative than teleiophilic homosexuality, and that the stigma against homosexuality didn't have as much to with protecting men, in the same way that pedophobes ostensibly claim to protect children. While both pedophobia and homophobia are often informed by disgust rather than logic, homophobia does differ in the overtly protectionist nature of pedophobes.
To conclude, while general homophobia and fear of witches has often been used to enforce a particular morality, or exploited by individuals for their own personal gains (such as getting away with unethical behaviour, revenge, kicking a subject of envy down in the social ladder, or unleash violent impulses to acceptable targets, enforce double standards, etc...) much like pedophobia, the hatred against MAPs is ultimately distinct from the others and goes beyond mere power-grabbing and morality crusading in the protectionist discourse its entrenched in, and the fact that, unlike adults, the subject of pedophobia is an actually-vulnerable class know as children. Another factor is also the relative modernity, as the origins of modern pedophobia that we all know and hate goes back to no least than a 19th century outrage campaign Victorian London over child prostitution.

There are also other things like how society now hates MAPs more than gays or witches, but another factor at play is how at the heart of it all is how sex is viewed as being exceptional, which makes it almost impossible for any casual and objective discussion pertaining to adult-child sex to take place. That every human society has some sexual taboo does lend credence to this ideal.

So to conclude, there are two things that make pedophobia distinct:

How recent it is when compared to the scale of human history
The protectionist motive
Sexceptionalism vis-a-vis adult-child sex and child sexuality in general.
The level of hate directed at us, down to discriminatory laws against MAPs.
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Re: Analogies for modern pedophobia

Post by Artaxerxes II »

And now, for the analogy to cults:
CSA and dogma

Over the years, various analogies have been made by MAPs and their allies concerning how the politically correct understanding of Child Sex Abuse (CSA) has assumed a more dogmatic and fundamentalist character that is comparable to that of various cults and certain religious sets, with fundamentalist Christianity being a common subject for analogies.
Note that the analogy is made solely by critics of the CSA doxa and none of the argued similarities are by the critics argued to in fact be religiously correct.

Argued similarities

Such argued similarities include:
  • • Satanists/Devil worshippers – Pedophiles and MAPs generally
    • Satanic cults – MAP activist groups
    • Cursed people – AAMs and minors that had positive childhood sexual experience, and men in general
    • Blasphemy/Heresy – Grooming, the Rind report, Paidika, and so on
    • Blasphemy/Heresy laws – Anti-grooming laws
    • Martyrs – CSA victims
    • Saints – CSA survivors
    • Conversion therapy – Chemical castration for CSA offenders, therapy aimed at changing sexual orientation, and so on
    • Apostles – Notable CSA witnesses and CP watchers
    • Holy warriors – “Pedo-hunters” and other vigilantes
    • Holy days – End child abuse day
    • Holy scriptures – CSA survivors’ accounts, sex-negative feminist writings, CSA research papers, teen brain literature, and so on
    • Icons – Child porn HDDs, CSA crime scene photos, and so on
    • Theologians – Child psychologists, victimologists, and puritanical ideologues
    • Missionaries and proselytisers – Charity workers, therapists, psychiatrists, and child “advocates”
    • Prophets – Alarmist alarming about the normalisation of pedophilia if not obeyed, such as when governments pass new laws infringing on privacy under the pretence of “child protection”
    • Offerings, penances, and indulgences – Compensation to CSA victims, charity donations, and various payments and privileges to child protection services
    • Religious schools and other education – Consent education
    • Morality plays – Movies and shows about CSA
    • The cross – Child trafficking/grooming rings
    • Religious profanity – The “pedo” smear
Criticism of argued “CSA dogma” are independent of CSA sceptic criticism.
Various commercial and pecuniary aspects of argued CSA dogma have been argued to be one part of the CSA industrial complex
CSA dogma may be openly religiously interpreted, such as by some religious pedophobes.


“"All porn are (sic) Erototoxic because the brain converts sexual images into an endogenous
drug ‘high’ via the reward system, pouring a supranormal drug cocktail similar to cocaine
throughout the brain/body. [...] Erototoxins turn what could have been normal, decent
humans into vile and deformed molesters, […] Some people will withstand pornographic
conditioning due to their genetic inheritance (perhaps) but more likely due to strong moral
absolutes. However, even those moral absolutes can be exploited and violated by exposure to
these erototoxins we call pornography." [1]

“Along with other young women, the victim was shepherded to wait in another room before
being brought back to find Savile in a master of ceremonies kind of role with a group wearing
robes and masks. She too heard Latin chanting and instantly recognised satanist regalia.
Although the girl was a young adult, who was above the age of consent, she had suffered a
history of sexual abuse and was extremely vulnerable.” [2]

“Soul, or psychic, murder involves trauma imposed from the world outside the mind that is so
overwhelming that the mental apparatus is flooded with feeling. The same overstimulated state
can result as a reaction to great deprivation. The terrifying too-muchness requires massive and
mind-distorting defensive operations for the child to continue to think and feel and live.” [3]

“My best estimate is that toward eight million children a year are “harvested” by the Deep
State, with each child abused having a life expectancy of about two years. While there are
many disappearing children that are simply running away from home, on balance most of
them end up being channelled into first pedophilia, then tortured, and finally murdered for
blood drinking and organ eating” [4]

“"With some pedophiles who are fixated, you can't really make much of a dent; you may not
be able to change their sexual interest pattern," Krueger said. "In these situations pretty
much you can only repress things, and you would use androgen [drug] therapy to do this."
This drug therapy reduces testosterone levels, which in turn curbs sexual appetite.” [5]


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4. ... enters-of-
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Re: Analogies for modern pedophobia

Post by Artaxerxes II »

Someone once suggested an analogy between contemporary tellings of CSA testimonies and the way feminists institutionalised it since the 1980s, and the development of soul music, which is interesting. I'll try to make one here.

For those of you who don't know, soul music is a music genre that emerged between the 1950s and 1960s within the African American community and would soon become mainstream, to the point of directly influencing African music and rock music. The genre in itself has its roots with the subsequent hybridisation of black gospel music and the secular Rhythm n' Blues (RnB), as spear-headed by musician Ray Charles Robinson. But to understand the context, we need to go further back, where music was often used by localised African American musicians to artistically express the grief, grievances and suffering within the African-American community, and these expressions would later on develop into Jazz and gospel music genres in the early 20th century. The term "soul" in itself is generally associated in African American parlance with pride and other positive connotations. As soul music songs became successful, they would soon become commercialised by big record labels such as Motown, as well as co-opted into as part of the dominant power process of the establishment.

A similar thing happened with CSA story-telling too. According to feminist (and mainstream) orthodoxy, CSA awareness arose in-between the late 1970s and early 1980s due to greater awareness. But another viewpoint raises that the popularisation of CSA dogma in that period was more likely a way for women to voice their grievances at society via CSA testimonies, be it against their dads or the patriarchy at large. As explained by Beryl Satter:
it is undeniable that feminists and therapists with feminist sympathies elaborated and promoted the sexual abuse paradigm." (p. 426). American clinical psychologist Janice Haaken, Satter explains, "interprets sexual abuse accusations as a complex phenomenon encompassing women's desire to speak the hidden truths of their lives and express rage at a broad range of "boundary violations" that are the lot of most women. According to Haaken, sexual abuse accusations symbolize women's rebellion against their fathers and against expectations that they should remain loyal to their families. These accusations express forbidden emotional and sexual fantasies and might also express conflicts between women that are repressed in some feminist circles.

Source: ... le/3704895
Now, some might argue that women generally being more prone to mass hysteria than men combined with women's overrepresentation in the social sciences since the late 20th century might be one of the main reasons why CSA orthodoxy its so entrenched, but that's beside the point of this post. Moving on.

CSA dogma would go on from being a faction within the social sciences patronised and propagandised by feminists, into part and parcel of the establishment, much like what happened with soul, blues, and jazz music.
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Re: Analogies for modern pedophobia

Post by PorcelainLark »

But what to do about it? Find me a person that's genuinely rational, or even a person that reflects on their own irrationality. They are few and far between. Just as we can read women's desire for power into stories about CSA, they can read the desire to dominate into our criticism. If two people accuse each other, it can end up being a stalemate. However, they benefit more from the stalemate than we do.
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Re: Analogies for modern pedophobia

Post by galileo2333 »

Artaxerxes II wrote: Fri Sep 13, 2024 12:17 pm Someone once suggested an analogy between contemporary tellings of CSA testimonies and the way feminists institutionalised it since the 1980s, and the development of soul music, which is interesting. I'll try to make one here.

For those of you who don't know, soul music is a music genre that emerged between the 1950s and 1960s within the African American community and would soon become mainstream, to the point of directly influencing African music and rock music. The genre in itself has its roots with the subsequent hybridisation of black gospel music and the secular Rhythm n' Blues (RnB), as spear-headed by musician Ray Charles Robinson. But to understand the context, we need to go further back, where music was often used by localised African American musicians to artistically express the grief, grievances and suffering within the African-American community, and these expressions would later on develop into Jazz and gospel music genres in the early 20th century. The term "soul" in itself is generally associated in African American parlance with pride and other positive connotations. As soul music songs became successful, they would soon become commercialised by big record labels such as Motown, as well as co-opted into as part of the dominant power process of the establishment.

A similar thing happened with CSA story-telling too. According to feminist (and mainstream) orthodoxy, CSA awareness arose in-between the late 1970s and early 1980s due to greater awareness. But another viewpoint raises that the popularisation of CSA dogma in that period was more likely a way for women to voice their grievances at society via CSA testimonies, be it against their dads or the patriarchy at large. As explained by Beryl Satter:
it is undeniable that feminists and therapists with feminist sympathies elaborated and promoted the sexual abuse paradigm." (p. 426). American clinical psychologist Janice Haaken, Satter explains, "interprets sexual abuse accusations as a complex phenomenon encompassing women's desire to speak the hidden truths of their lives and express rage at a broad range of "boundary violations" that are the lot of most women. According to Haaken, sexual abuse accusations symbolize women's rebellion against their fathers and against expectations that they should remain loyal to their families. These accusations express forbidden emotional and sexual fantasies and might also express conflicts between women that are repressed in some feminist circles.

Source: ... le/3704895
Now, some might argue that women generally being more prone to mass hysteria than men combined with women's overrepresentation in the social sciences since the late 20th century might be one of the main reasons why CSA orthodoxy its so entrenched, but that's beside the point of this post. Moving on.

CSA dogma would go on from being a faction within the social sciences patronised and propagandised by feminists, into part and parcel of the establishment, much like what happened with soul, blues, and jazz music.
As for your parallel to "soul" music one of the most common attack statements thrown at MAPs and adults who want to make it acceptable to engage in AMSC is that we "have no soul".
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Re: Analogies for modern pedophobia

Post by galileo2333 »

Artaxerxes II wrote: Fri Sep 13, 2024 11:40 am And now, for the analogy to cults:
CSA and dogma

Over the years, various analogies have been made by MAPs and their allies concerning how the politically correct understanding of Child Sex Abuse (CSA) has assumed a more dogmatic and fundamentalist character that is comparable to that of various cults and certain religious sets, with fundamentalist Christianity being a common subject for analogies.
Note that the analogy is made solely by critics of the CSA doxa and none of the argued similarities are by the critics argued to in fact be religiously correct.

Argued similarities

Such argued similarities include:
  • • Satanists/Devil worshippers – Pedophiles and MAPs generally
    • Satanic cults – MAP activist groups
    • Cursed people – AAMs and minors that had positive childhood sexual experience, and men in general
    • Blasphemy/Heresy – Grooming, the Rind report, Paidika, and so on
    • Blasphemy/Heresy laws – Anti-grooming laws
    • Martyrs – CSA victims
    • Saints – CSA survivors
    • Conversion therapy – Chemical castration for CSA offenders, therapy aimed at changing sexual orientation, and so on
    • Apostles – Notable CSA witnesses and CP watchers
    • Holy warriors – “Pedo-hunters” and other vigilantes
    • Holy days – End child abuse day
    • Holy scriptures – CSA survivors’ accounts, sex-negative feminist writings, CSA research papers, teen brain literature, and so on
    • Icons – Child porn HDDs, CSA crime scene photos, and so on
    • Theologians – Child psychologists, victimologists, and puritanical ideologues
    • Missionaries and proselytisers – Charity workers, therapists, psychiatrists, and child “advocates”
    • Prophets – Alarmist alarming about the normalisation of pedophilia if not obeyed, such as when governments pass new laws infringing on privacy under the pretence of “child protection”
    • Offerings, penances, and indulgences – Compensation to CSA victims, charity donations, and various payments and privileges to child protection services
    • Religious schools and other education – Consent education
    • Morality plays – Movies and shows about CSA
    • The cross – Child trafficking/grooming rings
    • Religious profanity – The “pedo” smear
Criticism of argued “CSA dogma” are independent of CSA sceptic criticism.
Various commercial and pecuniary aspects of argued CSA dogma have been argued to be one part of the CSA industrial complex
CSA dogma may be openly religiously interpreted, such as by some religious pedophobes.


“"All porn are (sic) Erototoxic because the brain converts sexual images into an endogenous
drug ‘high’ via the reward system, pouring a supranormal drug cocktail similar to cocaine
throughout the brain/body. [...] Erototoxins turn what could have been normal, decent
humans into vile and deformed molesters, […] Some people will withstand pornographic
conditioning due to their genetic inheritance (perhaps) but more likely due to strong moral
absolutes. However, even those moral absolutes can be exploited and violated by exposure to
these erototoxins we call pornography." [1]

“Along with other young women, the victim was shepherded to wait in another room before
being brought back to find Savile in a master of ceremonies kind of role with a group wearing
robes and masks. She too heard Latin chanting and instantly recognised satanist regalia.
Although the girl was a young adult, who was above the age of consent, she had suffered a
history of sexual abuse and was extremely vulnerable.” [2]

“Soul, or psychic, murder involves trauma imposed from the world outside the mind that is so
overwhelming that the mental apparatus is flooded with feeling. The same overstimulated state
can result as a reaction to great deprivation. The terrifying too-muchness requires massive and
mind-distorting defensive operations for the child to continue to think and feel and live.” [3]

“My best estimate is that toward eight million children a year are “harvested” by the Deep
State, with each child abused having a life expectancy of about two years. While there are
many disappearing children that are simply running away from home, on balance most of
them end up being channelled into first pedophilia, then tortured, and finally murdered for
blood drinking and organ eating” [4]

“"With some pedophiles who are fixated, you can't really make much of a dent; you may not
be able to change their sexual interest pattern," Krueger said. "In these situations pretty
much you can only repress things, and you would use androgen [drug] therapy to do this."
This drug therapy reduces testosterone levels, which in turn curbs sexual appetite.” [5]


2. ... ould-been-
4. ... enters-of-
More analogies to religion, notice how much police interrogation rooms look like the confession booth in a Catholic church.

Social workers and female detectives in the SVU are disproportionately women with no children of their own, resembling nuns. Nuns have a lot of the tough women image, of mental hardness and often wielding physical brutality against those in their institutional care/control.

The antipedophile establishment has many similarities to a well organized and structured global inquisition.

Here's a song that describes the parallels "why can't they make it police bells and church sirens?" ... BzaXJlbnMg
Last edited by galileo2333 on Sun Sep 15, 2024 10:29 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Analogies for modern pedophobia

Post by Harlan »

The only thing that distinguishes the lynch mobs and pedo hunters from the KKK is the lack of white hoods.

The pathologization of masturbation is comparable to the pathologization of Youth/MAP sexuality.

Young people cannot advocate their right to express their sexuality and erotic desires, just as black slaves could not advocate their right to freedom until they were emancipated by 13th Amendment.
Last edited by Harlan on Thu Sep 19, 2024 8:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Analogies for modern pedophobia

Post by Fragment »

Harlan wrote: Sun Sep 15, 2024 7:59 pm The only thing that distinguishes the lynch mobs and pedo hunters from the KKK is the lack of white hoods.
Except that with the KKK you didn't have the vast majority of most countries on earth as members...
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Re: Analogies for modern pedophobia

Post by Jim Burton »

There is CSA 1970-2000 analogy with black music/rap in general 1970-2000.

Both were originally grassroots movements that involved a less powerful minority group speaking out about injustice.

As time has gone on, both movements have been increasingly commercialized by various entrepreneurs, personalities, and personal stories.

This went hand in hand with the sanctification of predator classes (black men, sex offenders, pedos) and submissive victim classes (white society, hoes, abuse victims).

The morality play surrounding these classes is also sanctified - note how misogyny is treated as a "protected characteristic" for certain parts of commercial black music, perhaps a relativistic slight on the deemed inferior status of black hoes, or bigotry of low expectations towards black men.
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