The aberrant world of pedophilia: the enlightening report by Chejter and Isla, and the case against Milei

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Artaxerxes II
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The aberrant world of pedophilia: the enlightening report by Chejter and Isla, and the case against Milei

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On the agency's website you can read: "The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is an international development cooperation agency that, since its creation in 1969, promotes the right of every woman, every man and every boy or girl to enjoy a healthy life, with equal opportunities for all." It continues: "UNFPA works in more than 150 countries to ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health (including family planning), in order to reduce maternal mortality and improve the quality of life of the most disadvantaged populations, especially women, young people and adolescents."

The UNFPA office in Argentina issued an interesting report in October 2018 entitled "Sexual abuse and forced pregnancies. Situation in Latin America and the Caribbean." The work was carried out by Silvia Chejter and Valeria Isla. The work was reviewed by Virgina Camacho and Marina Isasi, from UNFPA, and supported by the National Plan for the Prevention of Unwanted Pregnancy in Adolescence, through the technical coordination of Silvina Ramos, Tamar Finzi, Natalia Gualdoni and Alejandra Sánchez Cabezas.

According to the cited research work, "sexual abuse of girls, boys and adolescents is a frequent problem in Argentina, Latin America and the world." However, it points out that in recent decades "the recognition of children and adolescents as subjects of law, the recognition of social and gender inequalities, the construction of a field of theorization and empirical research and legal reforms to guarantee specific human rights for this sector of the population contributed to tolerated, silenced and minimized practices beginning to be made visible."

The work defines what abuse is and in what context it occurs. Abuse is "sexual practices that can range from touching, exposure of sexual organs, chewing in front of a child or adolescent to rape imposed by an adult, regardless of the form of coercion (physical violence, threats, breach of trust, etc.). They also agree on highlighting three useful factors to differentiate abusive practices: asymmetry of power, asymmetry of knowledge and asymmetry of gratification." The aggressors are usually people close to the victims: "biological parents, uncles, grandparents" or relatives such as "teachers, priests" or strangers. "These may be situations that began at a very early age and still continue in a repetitive manner; or they may be sporadic or unique situations." For the researchers, the most frequent forms of abuse are: "intra-family child abuse, by strangers, commercial sexual exploitation, the use of girls, boys and adolescents for pornographic purposes and grooming."

The report adds that "the modalities, as well as the different contexts in which sexual abuse occurs, determine different effects that in turn depend, among other factors, on age, chronicity and/or duration, the type of bond established with the person who commits the abuse, the relationships in the family and social environment during and after (that is, when the fact comes to light) and the support and treatment received." On the side of our neighbors, it is difficult to have statistics. "Ecuador and Mexico carried out National Surveys on Violence against Women, which included questions to determine the prevalence of sexual abuse in childhood and adolescence in women aged 15 and older. Peru carried out a survey of students from 293 urban and rural schools in which it asked about sexual abuse."

Added to this is the fact that victims often do not report, in some cases, for fear of not being believed, for fear of reprisals, out of shame or because they were threatened. Another aspect to highlight in the report is the section devoted to unwanted pregnancy, which states that "it is one of the effects that abuse can have on girls and adolescents. In this case, in addition to the risks of pregnancy at an early age, there are also risks derived from the emotional impact of violence, blame, silence, lack of support and containment, which are manifested precisely in this abuse that was not detected."

Finally, the work raises the challenges for the future: "strengthening or generating records in each sector that is part of the comprehensive rights protection system that includes differential criteria according to: gender, age, type of abuse and relationship between victim and perpetrator, among others." "Promote the implementation of surveys on violence against girls, boys and adolescents, demographics of sexual and reproductive health, violence against women or others" and "Promote that data on gender, age and relationship between victim and perpetrator be systematized in criminal statistics."

Cúneo and his serious accusation against Milei in court

A turbulent week is coming in Argentina after the back and forth of the accusation against President Javier Milei. Journalist Santiago Cúneo stated that the libertarian is part of a pedophilia network along with Ernesto Tenembaum and Héctor "El Bambino" Veira. From his streaming program on Channel 22, Cúneo exposes Milei's darkest secrets in each episode. What is most surprising is that the leader of Las Fuerzas del Cielo has never come out to deny these accusations.

According to Cúneo, he met Milei at the beginning of his career as a commentator and panelist on the program "1+1=4", hosted by him almost a decade ago. After that stage, both shared talks, dinners and private moments where Milei would have confessed his worst secrets and feelings. Therefore, he knows a lot and his plan is to overthrow him through shocking revelations, taking advantage of the economic and social crisis.

In his program in June of this year, while drinking mate and eating cookies, Cúneo said: "The psychiatric madman does not govern a single day, he did not work a single day. He dedicates his delirious messianism to a sect of pedophiles that he is part of together with Tenembaum and 'Bambino'. It is not a coincidence that they belong to a sect of pedophiles." These statements left an atmosphere of tense calm. Tenembaum, in the past, had questioned: "What is wrong with child pornography? (...) I ask because pornography is a fantasy... perhaps frightening, but the guy does not commit any crime, he does not harm anyone (...) I repeat that it seems to me a frightening fantasy, but I do not see the crime. The one who commits it is the one who takes the photo... but oh well."

Cúneo continued: "This shows the level of seriousness in which we are. He crossed the first line, the thinnest, and on Monday we will see each other in court." He said this after hearing the President affirm that he "loves being the mole that destroys the State from within." In addition, Cúneo said: "We are approaching the abyss of a very difficult precipice to overcome, with blows from which some will not get up because they have already been given too much time and, in that time, the damage for some will be irreversible." Faithful to his irreverent style, the journalist argued: "Lying is a sin, many will not survive what is coming and many deserve it for having voted for Milei, for not having a Homeland. We must rescue others from the downward spiral of sinking because they do not deserve it and are victims."

Cúneo did not threaten the President, but informed him that on Monday, June 10, he filed the complaint of pedophilia in the Courts, with evidence that would be investigated to determine whether or not Milei is part of that network of child abuse. The lawsuit fell into the hands of Daniel Rafecas' court and will be carried out by the lawyer Adrián Albor. The complaint states: "In ratifying this, I will refer to certain behaviors of the accused that cannot be less than qualified as a true mental illness related to the pleasure of seeing others suffer."

The complaint, labeled as "abuse of authority and violation of the duties of a public official," also states: "I have a way of proving that he is inclined toward the sadomasochistic fetish in sexual matters, which is projected to the rest of his social interactions, and now we see that it also extends to the exercise of public office."
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