An abbreviated modern MAP history

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An abbreviated modern MAP history

Post by Fragment »

Memo form for now. Still very lacking. Will fill in more later. Feel free to post any major events or dates down below.

Glossary TO DO:
  • Organizations
  • Courts
  • Incidents
  • Media
  • Research
First Wave - LGBT minus
"We made a terrible mistake ... we were trying to be a political organisation and at the same time we were trying to be a support organisation." ~ Thomas O'Carroll
1952 - gay liberation group Mattachine Society founded, pederasts were still considered part of the gay movement
1974 - PIE founded (UK)
1977 - Petition in France to abolish the age of consent of 15
1977 - Anita Bryan's "Save Our Children"
1977 - Boise / Boston Affair (US) in response to the Revere arrests
1978 - Child pornography made explicitly illegal in the US (without proof of obscenity needed)
1978 - NAMBLA founded (US)
1982 - Vereniging MARTIJN founded (NE)
1982 - Elan Patz disappearance (NAMBLA blamed)
1984 - PIE disbands
1987 - Paidiki edition 1
1987 - Boys on their contacts with men published by Theo Sandfort
1988 - Edward Brongersma publishes the first part of Loving Boys
1989 - First Ipce meeting (EU)
1990 - The Netherlands has an effective age of consent of 12
1993 - Krumme13 founded (DE)
1993 - Jacob Wetterling act passed
1994 - Documentary "Chickenhawk" profiling NAMBLA released
1994 - NAMBLA expelled from ILGA
Communications Officer: Mu. Exclusive hebephile BL.

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Re: An abbreviated modern MAP history

Post by Fragment »

Second Wave - BLs, GLs and VirPeds
"You Are Not Alone." ~ BoyChat
1995 - BoyChat started
1995 - Paidika ends
1996 - Megan's law passed
1997 - Kansas v. Hendricks allows indefinite detention of "sexual violent predators"
1998 - Rind et al published
1998 - IBLD first celebrated
1998 - First use of the term "Minor Attracted Adult"
1999 - Harris Mirkin publishes The pattern of sexual politics: feminism, homosexuality and pedophilia
1999 - BC webmaster Robbie arrested for murder
2000 - GirlChat started
2000 - Cartman joins NAMBLA episode of South Park
2000 - Curley vs NAMBLA
2001 - SureQualityRadio started
2002 - The Netherlands raises the age of consent from 12 to 16
2002 - Perverted Justice vigliante organization founded
2002 - 'AP' founds Puellula
2002 - Judith Levine publishes Harmful to Minors
2002 - founded
2002 - "Angels" episode of Law and Order SVU (inspired by NAMBLA)
2003 - Smith v. Doe upholds Alaska's sex offender registry as "not punishment"
2003 - BoyMoment founded
2003 - B4UACT founded by Michael Melsheimer (lek) and receives state funding
Communications Officer: Mu. Exclusive hebephile BL.

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Re: An abbreviated modern MAP history

Post by Fragment »

"Why don't you have a seat over there?" ~ Chris Hansen
The era between 2004-2011 in some ways is probably the era best seen as a Dark Ages. Especially for BL communities. To Catch A Predatory on TV, supported by Perverted Justice. But PJ didn't just stop with the TV stings, they were working almost full time to dox members of all the major MAP forums (though none of us were using "MAP" yet). Multiple core members of the community were arrested. The Adam Walsh Act was a piece of federal legislation that unified and strengthened state sex offense regstries and in response NARSOL was founded. This era basically seemed to end with the most egregious arrests of them all, the Azov films arrested. Hundreds of men globally were arrested for non-sexual nudist images that had previously been deemed legal by multiple sources. The punitive nature of hysteria seemed to be at or near its peak.
2004 - NBC's TV show To Catch a Predator collaborates with Perverted Justice
2004 - Visions of Alice started
2004 - Malesky and Ennis analyse "Supportive Distortions" on BoyChat. Possible the first research on non-forensic MAPs (to confirm)
c.2005 - 'AP' does multiple TV interviews
2005 - Pedologues begins
2005 - Seven NAMBLA members caught in sting (arguably the last time it was relevant)
2006 - SureQualityRadio shut down after admin arrests
2006 - BC user Sparks tries to argue a pro-c stance in court, arguing religious freedom. He is sentenced to 26 consecutive life sentences.
2006 - Party for Neighbourly Love, Freedom, and Diversity founded (NE)
2006 - Suicide of Bill Conradt (due to To Catch a Predator sting)
2006 - Attracted to Children founded to combat vigilante hatred, popularizes "MAP"
2006 - Canada raises the age of consent from 14 to 16
2006 - Adam Walsh Act passed
2006 - Pedologues ends with Rookie's dox
2007 - NARSOL founded
2007 - To Catch a Predator's final season
2007 - Jack McClellan makes multiple TV appearances
2007 - PedoWikiWars 1.0
2007 - Newgon founded
2007 - Boyland Online founded
2008 - Germany, under EU pressure criminalizes Youth Porn (14-17 year olds), in addition to Child Porn
2008 - BC webmaster Jimf3 arrested
2008 - PeeJ transforms into Evil Unveiled
2008 - BoyChat websmaster Dylan Thomas arrested after being investigated by Evil Unveiled
2008 - B4UACT workshops begin
2008 - TOR Browser released
2009 - Richard Yuill's University of Glasgow thesis finally published after 5 years of battle
2009 - taken down with multiple arrests
2009 - "Hardwired" episode of Law and Order SVU (inspired by Newgon)
2009 - Louis Theroux visits Coalinga State Hospital (civil commitment)
2010 - lek dies. State funding of B4UACT ends
2010 - Minnesota releases the first ever people from civil commitment (despite running it since 1995)
2010 - Last meeting of Ipce, combined with an IBLD event
2011 - Azov arrests
2011 - Judith Reisman appears on FOX news after infiltrating a B4UACT meeting
2011 - Sarah Goode publishes Paedophiles in society: reflecting on sexuality, abuse and hope (first published use of MAP?)
Communications Officer: Mu. Exclusive hebephile BL.

"Everywhere I see bliss, from which I alone am irrevocably excluded. I was benevolent and good; misery made me a fiend. Make me happy, and I shall again be virtuous."
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Re: An abbreviated modern MAP history

Post by Fragment »

"I'm a paedophile, not a monster" ~ Todd Nickerson
The end of the second wave was characterized by self-identified anti-contact or virtuous pedophiles, many of whom wanted to share their story with the broader public. Real life events, except for B4UACT conferences basically seemed to cease and there seem to be a necessary kind of cautious regrouping and realignment in various communities. Vigilantism had somewhat run its course by this stage, but a lot of MAPs interested in PIM had also moved to the Dark Web. Creating a much clearer separation between non-offending support spaces on the Open Web and spaces hosting illegal material on the Dark Web. The end of this wave is basically signified by the banning of Enderphile and other NOMAPs from social media for expressing positions that are neither illegal, nor even promote legal reform. A trend that continued in the early days of the third wave.
2012 - Do pedophiles deserve sympathy? by James Cantor
2012 - Virtuous Pedophiles is founded
2012 - Seto publishes Is pedophilia a sexual orientation?
2013 - DSM-V released, distinguishing pedophilic disorder and pedophilic orientation. Hebephilia is not included.
2013 - Positive Memories published by T Rivas
2013 - William A Percy Foundation founded
2014 - Japan criminalizes possession of Child Porn
2014 - Pervert Park documentary
2014 - The Pedophile Next Door documentary
2014 - Vereniging MARTIJN ban upheld by Supreme Court
2015 - Todd Nickerson (VirPed) comes out on Salon
2015 - Protecting Our Kids?: How Sex Offender Laws Are Failing Us published by Emily Horowitz
2015 - WIRED-PM Radio begins
2016 - Ethos magazine issue 1
2016 - I, Pedophile documentary
2017 - The Global Prevention Project founded (also with the Prevention Podcast)
2017 - Gary Gibson (VirPed) appears on Dr. Phil
2017 - Enderphile (NOMAP Twitter user) banned, appealed by James Cantor and other researchers
Communications Officer: Mu. Exclusive hebephile BL.

"Everywhere I see bliss, from which I alone am irrevocably excluded. I was benevolent and good; misery made me a fiend. Make me happy, and I shall again be virtuous."
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Re: An abbreviated modern MAP history

Post by Fragment »

Third Wave - MAP as an identity
"You are not defined by your attraction." ~ Allyn Walker
2018 - Stenna creates the most well known iteration of the MAP flag
2018 - Prostasia founded
2018 - Most Tumblr MAPs move to Twitter. Medium also bans many MAPS
2019 - A MAPs Journey Podcast
2019 - The Men Who Call Themselves Non-Offending Pedophiles by Vice
2019 - Welcome to Video taken down on DarkWeb
2019 - FreeSpeechTube founded
2020 - Twitter introduces new TOS and many MAPs pushed off the platform
2020 - NNIA started
2020 - MAP support club
2021 - MAP resources
2021 - A Long Dark Shadow published
2021 - BoysTown taken down on DarkWeb
2021 - RadQueer coined and flag made
2022 - PNVD members caught up in trouble in Latin America due to OUR
2022 - MAP wiki started
2022 - PCMA chat started
2022 - Therapist from PA defends MAPs
2022 - Police Scotland controversy
2023 - MAP Merch Shop founded
2023 - PedoWikiWars 2.0 (MAP article)
2023 - Ethos magazine finishes. Fawnlet Magazine issue 1
2023 - MEDAL founded
2024 - Kentucky Senator Karen Berg argues in favor of child sex dolls and fictional PIM
2024 - Mu founded
2024 - MAP Camp
2024 - despite deplatforming in 2022, Impossibly Cute Boys is published by Karl Andersson
Communications Officer: Mu. Exclusive hebephile BL.

"Everywhere I see bliss, from which I alone am irrevocably excluded. I was benevolent and good; misery made me a fiend. Make me happy, and I shall again be virtuous."
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Jim Burton
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Re: An abbreviated modern MAP history

Post by Jim Burton »

This might be used to pad out the following article.

Are you aware of the overlong but valuable pieces by Bernie Najarian, which could be used to build our historical record of 2010-2020?
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Re: An abbreviated modern MAP history

Post by Fragment »

Jim Burton wrote: Sat Oct 12, 2024 7:35 pm This might be used to pad out the following article.
It was partly seeing that page that inspired this. There was some great in depth information, but there also seemed to be some big holes. For my own head I was trying to see how it all interacted- how long before VP’s public appearances was Jack McLellan on TV, for example? Putting it together like this I definitely see small eras emerging. Pre and post 2012 almost look like two different worlds in terms of the historic record.
Are you aware of the overlong but valuable pieces by Bernie Najarian, which could be used to build our historical record of 2010-2020?
I knew of them but forgot them. I’ll have a look through. Might be a bit too in depth for a timeline approach like I’m going for right now. But more information isn’t a bad thing.
Communications Officer: Mu. Exclusive hebephile BL.

"Everywhere I see bliss, from which I alone am irrevocably excluded. I was benevolent and good; misery made me a fiend. Make me happy, and I shall again be virtuous."
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Jim Burton
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Re: An abbreviated modern MAP history

Post by Jim Burton »

A lot of pro-c stuff just died some time around 2009-2012. The Obama years were also a period of latency in anti-sex narrative, similar to the 1960s, and all the way through to the 2015 elections. This may have allowed Virped to be successful as a publicity campaign for a limited period.

Notice also how the invention of CSA and the CSA survivor ensued in the two decades following the 60s.

You could argue that the self-identified-minor-attracted-person was something that belonged to the decade following the 2015 elections.
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Re: An abbreviated modern MAP history

Post by Fragment »

Is there any particular reason why the 2010 Ipce meeting was the last? You’re right that a lot of momentum seemed to dissipate around then. I was feeling like Azov, in 2011, was probably pretty demoralizing, too.
Communications Officer: Mu. Exclusive hebephile BL.

"Everywhere I see bliss, from which I alone am irrevocably excluded. I was benevolent and good; misery made me a fiend. Make me happy, and I shall again be virtuous."
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Re: An abbreviated modern MAP history

Post by BLueRibbon »

Fragment wrote: Sun Oct 13, 2024 3:35 am Is there any particular reason why the 2010 Ipce meeting was the last? You’re right that a lot of momentum seemed to dissipate around then. I was feeling like Azov, in 2011, was probably pretty demoralizing, too.
The raids killed real-life meetings in Europe.
Brian Ribbon, Mu Co-Founder and Strategist

The Push
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