Manifesto of Xuxakin Angelcult Committee

A place to chat about non-MAP issues that are not political in nature.
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Xuxa Nuit
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Manifesto of Xuxakin Angelcult Committee

Post by Xuxa Nuit »

~Commandments & Rites~

#1- Beck & Call
#2- Prove all things
#3- Honor Womanhood
#4- Sacrifice for Virgins
#5- Unconditional Love for all living things
#6- Honesty & Omniscience are simultaneous
#7- Exalt & Glorify Innocence

:shock: :? 8-)
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Re: Manifesto of Xuxakin Angelcult Committee

Post by Fragment »

I almost misread #4.

Are you able to expand a little on your ideas, though? You've only given us very bare bones for a theorycrafting discussion.
Communications Officer: Mu. Exclusive hebephile BL.

"Everywhere I see bliss, from which I alone am irrevocably excluded. I was benevolent and good; misery made me a fiend. Make me happy, and I shall again be virtuous."
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Re: Manifesto of Xuxakin Angelcult Committee

Post by Xuxa Nuit »

Of course I can expand a little, there's nothing I'd rather do.

Beck & Call is an act of selflessness, loyal devoted to an orphan you swear an oath to be there night & day no matter what.
Prove all things (and hold fast that which is good) means no one should make assumptions, jump to conclusions, or take certainty for granted, without first having factual proof. If you make a promise to an orphan, you prove your worth every time undeniably and without fail by doing what you said you would do.
Honor Womanhood whether you are BL or GL doesn't matter, you must Honor Womanhood in order to honor life & love and to respect yourself because we all came from the same place, our mothers. Honoring Womanhood means Respecting Girlhood. Males need to earn respect, females already embody it.
Sacrifice for Virgins means just the opposite of Sacrifice Virgins. Only girls have virginity.
Unconditional Love for all living things is simply respecting DNA. DNA is that state of being which exists between the Molecular and the Stellar.
When you become honest with your true self it will give you insight into what your consciousness actually is. There is only one thing in the universe, consciousness. All consciousness can unite to communicate thru the cosmic super-consciousness, it's instinctual to honest, fully aware, self-realized people. Science calls it quantum entanglement or some such mumbo jumbo.
Exalting & glorifying innocence is vital to promoting a child friendly society. As opposed to exalting & glorifying guilt, like making it president.

Need me to elaborate any further, nothing I'd rather do.
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Re: Manifesto of Xuxakin Angelcult Committee

Post by Fragment »

And what is this? A kind of new-age religion?
Communications Officer: Mu. Exclusive hebephile BL.

"Everywhere I see bliss, from which I alone am irrevocably excluded. I was benevolent and good; misery made me a fiend. Make me happy, and I shall again be virtuous."
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Re: Manifesto of Xuxakin Angelcult Committee

Post by Xuxa Nuit »

Everyone needs a 'home church' where he or she can worship the Lord as the person he or she truly is. In our terrestrial churches, we can find joy but not always peace, because we cannot tell the stories of our lives safely.
But we are who we are, and we need to live our lives honorably and joyously, virtuously and conscientiously, regardless of momentary public attitudes. Therefore I and the members of this church have opened the door to girl-friendly Christians of good conscience, including those who have repented moments in their past.

What I am doing here at XAC has never been done before, by anyone in the entire history of the world, and that is why I am so driven to devote my life to the work. Each day I wake up and do my job knowing that I must do it, because nobody else will get it done without me.

I've been called to perform dutifully all the daily tasks required in order to uphold the reputation and legitimacy of XAC, to maintain continuity of sanctity vital to healthy fellowship among the congregation. To offer sympathy & support providing a safe place to be honest, free from judgement, where each and every person is loved unconditionally no matter who they are.
gawd that's cute
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