Radicalized Tik Tok Foids Advocate Poisoning Men

A place to talk about Minor-Attracted People, and MAP/AAM-related issues. The attraction itself, associated paraphilia/identities and AMSC/AMSR (Adult-Minor Sexual Contact and Relations).
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Radicalized Tik Tok Foids Advocate Poisoning Men

Post by Anonymous_Lover »

Fuck effortposting. It doesn't matter bc none of the people in this movement read. Libtards on tik tok are advocating using Aqua Tofana, a deadly poison of italian origin made using Belladonna and Arsenic to poison their boyfriends, husbands, unsuspecting Trump supporters etc.

You think your going to be able to talk reasonably with the tiny minority of nice feminist ladies who might agree with you on the police state, the sex registry, and who are even against age of consent? Lol, lmao even. Sorry Chud, but real feminism is about hating men now not the pseudo-intellectual gobbledy-gook that Butler and Paglia spill out. It's about how women's dating problems are DEEPLY POLITICAL and society needs to change to accommodate that. And if your against that? Then your a fascist chudlet who voted for Trump.

1.3 million women liked a post advocating the use of Aqua Tofana to poison men. Maybe you could argue that popular social media feminism is like a dying animal and its lashing out after the results of Trump's election but then again feminist activism exploded during the first Trump admin between pussy hats and #MeToo. Between #MeToo and boomercon Qanon things weren't very good for men, much less pedocels, even though in theory his election gives people the license to break certain taboos.

Women have discovered MGTOW but in the form of the 4B movement. The difference between the 4B movement and MGTOW? The media is immediately blowing it up and giving it all kinds of favorable coverage and whereas they did not do that with MGTOW and were very much against it.

Foids on tik tok are rocking out to "Dead Men Don't Rape" wanna see the lyrics that's in the section of the song clipped:
Oh, I wanna scream, scream 'til I break
They say I'm overreacting
But how can I smile, put on a face
When all my sisters are dying?
But free are the rapists, child molesters walking round, tasting their freedom
Because of the system, no more abortions
And fuck all the children that need them
Child molestors walking around...hmmm... you know who that kinda sounds like? You! You're the target lol

Moderate MAPs have been kinda silent lately, particularly on the topic of feminism and I think I know why. You aren't going to be able to argue with this. You can't negotiate or vote your way out of this.

The MAP movement needs to be talking about strategies to deradicalize women on social media or at least subvert feminism in a sex positive pro-pedo direction. See this book on how 60s feminism was subverted and produced a temporary oasis for men known as the 1970s that has been demonized by every bourgeois libtard since:
https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=21 ... 049066C270


Again, don't be fooled by the fact that Trump won. They may have control of the government now but he has a very narrow majority. The MAP movement needs a contingency plan if its serious at all. Trump isn't going to give divorced 50 year olds who voted for him 24 year old goth girlfriends; if anything the United States lunged pretty far to the left culturally under Trump, whereas Biden's last two years in office were culturally conservative compared to the Trump years.

Again, don't be fooled by the fact that anti-registry, anti-police state, anti-sexceptionalist and anti-aoc feminists have existed and still exist (the latter mostly in tiny numbers outside Germany). Its very easy for intellectuals to fool themselves because they do the reading. In reality, most of the slop you see on social media that calls itself feminist is just women bitching about their dating situation or hating their dad. Ever since gamergate the mainstream of feminist messaging online has been about hating men and disparaging them, its been unironically misandrist. Even many leftists are no longer denying it because they want to get back into power and its impossible without young male voters or footsoldiers. Seriously. No Democratic president has ever won with less than 58% of the youth vote. And ofc any actual revolution requires a hardcore contingent of young male functioning as a paramilitary that can seize the centers of power.

As a recent twitter post wrote in response to a tweet that asked leftists what they thought that could be considered woke that's actually bad replied: "making 'kill all men' jokes online for years objectively alienated young men and pushed them to the right" except many of the people weren't actually joking. But regardless, some on the Left were either never comfortable with the progressive culture that evolved on tumblr/in the wake of gamergate or they have other priorities are of higher importance than pleasing insane harpies and want to come back to power.

As for the harpies, they are planning to poison men that don't agree with them, so there's that. We need to be talking about female deradicalization strategies. This type of stuff wouldn't be allowed on Chinese tik tok bc the CPC knows such harpies are corrosive for society. Its not even legal for a PLA enlisted man's girlfriend to cheat on him. Could such legislation be passed for Western enlisted men? lol lmao even. When even society's male "heroes" can't get a tiny crumb of social contract to keep himself from being cucked while literally fighting and dying for the Westoid world order you know that they aren't going to do anything for men. And MAP rights are a very male interest though not exclusively.

We need to deradicalize the harpies. We need a MAP version of Vaush deradicalizing women who have fallen down the alt-lib rabbit hole
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Re: Radicalized Tik Tok Foids Advocate Poisoning Men

Post by Phossu »

Tell me more about deradicalizing. What do you suggest?
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Re: Radicalized Tik Tok Foids Advocate Poisoning Men

Post by Lennon72 »

I am sorry, dude, I can't make heads and tails out of what you just said. And what do those acronyms stand for?
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Re: Radicalized Tik Tok Foids Advocate Poisoning Men

Post by Artaxerxes II »

Lennon72 wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2024 2:22 am I am sorry, dude, I can't make heads and tails out of what you just said. And what do those acronyms stand for?
He is saying that as time goes on, MAPs trying to appeal to feminists is going to be futile as modern feminism is mostly aimed at justifying casual misandry and other anti-social behaviour, making it unlikely for feminists to ever be sympathetic to any opinion contrary to theirs, and MAP liberation is one of them. At this point, pro-MAP feminism is a niche position. So his solution is to get MAPs to be more open towards appealing to young men who will likely lean rightwards than most MAPs are comfortable with.

As for the acronyms:

MAP = Minor-Attracted Person
aoc = Age of Consent
CPC = Communist Party of China
PLA = People's Liberation Army (i.e., China's main army)

As for his take, it makes sense in America and other parts of the anglosphere given how feminism there is pretty much a moralistic middle class phenomena occupied by rich women who will pretty much endorse a police state if it means getting rid of us and our sympathisers, given that they see adult-minor relationships as another form of female oppression.

Perhaps it's less applicable in continental Europe where some centrists/liberals and feminists might be more sympathetic with us, for example it was centrists who opposed the right-wing imposition of chemical castration as a punishment for child molestation in Italy.
But with the ongoing americanisation of European politics, I think that is going to be less true, for example the adoption of a legal definition of rape based on affirmative consent (which creates a legal grey area for sex where affirmative consent was absent) that was spearheaded by feminists and centrists was opposed only by the right-wing party of Janusz Korwin-Mikke.

Though spot indeed, since no side of the political aisles with any influence will help us at all.
Tell me more about deradicalizing. What do you suggest?
I know the question isn't aimed at me, but he did hint at leftist youtuber Vaush, on the basis that Vaush claims to have managed to turn alt-righters into alt-leftists with his content. It's questionable if Vaush ever managed to do that, but at any point one strategy would be to fight the "SJW-to-pedophobic radfem" with pro-MAP stuff that challenges radfems' pedophobia whilst co-opting some feminist messaging. Quite vague, but that's how I can put it to terms in the best way imaginable.
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Re: Radicalized Tik Tok Foids Advocate Poisoning Men

Post by hdlss1 »

I mostly agree with this take. I'm indebted to the work of many authors who have in the past identified with the feminist movement but like I said on my twitter before it got nuked: "How many more qualifiers do we need to add to the word before we realize that the people who want us dead all share the same label?"

It is imperative that we reach out to the majority, the "heterosexual" males who are currently being radicalized by the right and to the females being radicalized by feminist rhetoric. I no longer believe that playing the minority politics game will lead to anything but self imposed isolation at the mercy of a niche segment of the political left.
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Re: Radicalized Tik Tok Foids Advocate Poisoning Men

Post by aeterna91 »

Feminism has so much potential... I think the problem is that the first and second waves were about freedom, and the third and fourth waves were about security. Often, defending one means sacrificing the other; and today, in the pursuit of security, feminism is often opposed to freedom. But the cause of women's liberation is worthy of being defended in its own right, and is also entirely compatible with youth and MAP liberation. Hopefully the fifth wave will once again claim freedom. I think there is a chance that this will happen, especially since it seems that the fourth wave is making women suffer more than before, insisting that they are always victims and must suffer for being so.

By the way, I don't think a single woman is going to poison her partner for voting for Trump, but I agree that the way they're talking about it as a good idea is worrying.
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Re: Radicalized Tik Tok Foids Advocate Poisoning Men

Post by Anonymous_Lover »

hdlss1 wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2024 5:11 pm I mostly agree with this take. I'm indebted to the work of many authors who have in the past identified with the feminist movement but like I said on my twitter before it got nuked: "How many more qualifiers do we need to add to the word before we realize that the people who want us dead all share the same label?"
I definitely agree for the most part. Those feminists who might want to help us are a tiny minority, especially in the Anglosphere. And given that the anglosphere is the first place that feminism as an organized political movement and ideology arose, I would argue that Anglosphere feminism probably has a better claim to the title of feminism than what we see in Germany and Russia, for instance. I think its worth attempting to "walk and chew gum" as the Left used to say, we can make efforts to extent a hand to that minority of feminists who might be pro-MAP, anti-registry, anti-carceral/anti-SO witchhunter but you really can't get around the fact that the vast majority want us dead or imprisoned. In many states, chemical castration has been approved as bargain that a MAP SO might take to get out of jail. Since American prisons are extremely dangerous and unsafe, esp for MAPs, its a decision many might undertake to save their own lives.

I don't know why we spend so much time mincing words or giving our enemies the benefit of a doubt as MAPs. If what is regularly and systematically done to us was being done to another "minority" (aka identity) group like gays or blacks, the Left would be the first to call it genocide. There's a guilty conscious aspect for sure they are complicit in what is frankly genocidal and fascistic persecution but its not only that.

We do have to take aim at enemies regardless of whether MAPs en masse think they "mean well" or are slightly more likely to show sympathy for us than the average Nazi or conservative.

As aeterna91 says "the cause of women's liberation is worthy of being defended in its own right," sure, maybe, but why is it our problem? I don't understand the reasoning for "intersectional" activism. We're treated worse than n*gg3rs or Jews in all but the most extreme exterminatory genocidal situations. We're a scapegoat that all these other groups, left-wing, right-wing, white, black, mra, feminist etc. continually evoke to fight with and demonize each other. In the past, it was said in defense of black/Jewish particularist activism from the broader left that they were at the bottom of the social totem pole (think segregated south, Tsarist Russia) all groups despised and disliked them and wished to keep them as a scapegoat/"untouchable" class. Many found this defense of black/jewish particularist activism (think Zionism/Marcus Garvey) persuasive even when the people pursuing such interests seemed to be pursuing ends that ran contrary to general liberation. In general, the Left while criticizing these attitudes largely did everything in its power to accomodate these particular groups in the hopes of winning them to their coalition -- sometimes at the cost of alienating others within their existing and future coalitions.

I'm not advocating that everyone adopt what might be dubbed MAP Zionism or MAP hotepery but I do think we need an independent MAP political movement, not simply tailing LGBT/feminism/liberals bc we think they are the lesser evil.

For those who don't understand the above paragraph let me elaborate a little more. Intersectionalism as an organizing strategy is premised on the idea that while different demographics might have different needs, the needs of one group are not necessarily subordinate to another, and thus one priority such as "the global proletarian revolution" can't be allowed to take priority over say feminists pursuing lawsuits over sexual assault in the workplace for instance. What it presumes is that there's a baseline solidarity between differing identity groups/left-wing causes. Is there a baseline solidarity between queers/feminists and MAPs? No. If anything queers hunt us more vociferously than even avowed conservatives.

So it doesn't make sense to me practically. Everyone wants to short-cut the hard work of building the infrastructure for a MAP revolution by appealing to existing identity groups and causes. I would say for you to even begin to be taken seriously by such partners you'd need a political machine to at least some within those groups feel there's more benefit than cost to aligning with you. How anything approaching that might be done by aligning with people who hate us right now has not been explained

Sometime ago I was reading some literature from a Maoist Third Worldist group (since I read widely and across the spectrum) and they were explaining how the intersectionalist strategy was something that came from Jewish second wave feminism. By the 60s, black nationalist groups like the Black Panther Party and NOI were firmly against Israel. In the case of BPP, since it was nominally Maoist and aligned with the liberation of all people, its criticism of Israel as fascist, colonialist, white supremacist etc. was harder to avoid for those on the fringe of the Left in the early 70s. So, since many of the thinkers and activists of 2nd wave feminism were Jewish and avowed supporters of Israel, they used the notion of intersectionality as an escape-hatch; "You work on your oppression, I'll work on mine"= don't ask me to sign your petition on Palestine, don't ask me to go your anti-Israel protest etc.

Of course, some pro-establishment and both real and alleged chauvinistic tendencies within feminism received rebuke in the form of black activist/black feminists critique of "white feminism." The reckoning on support for Israel and whether Jewish religion/culture was in need of interrogation was largely avoided. Certainly, we are seeing the first play out, I think.

My personal opinion is that feminism as I've experienced largely conforms to its characterization by men's rights activists as "maintenance of traditional male duties while liberating women from traditional female obligations." Essentially, a double standard. We see it on every level in a way that's become increasingly hard to deny. Sometimes this is extremely overt such as the "Scandinavian model" where women who sell sex are treated as victims and their work is decriminalized whereas men who buy sex have the book thrown at them and are prosecuted as sex offenders.

Over 100,000 young Ukrainian men have died, many drafted or coerced into the army by the threat of a draft, while women the same age frequent night clubs and shake their ass on tik tok -- if they aren't abroad selling sex in German brothels.

I feel I am being very conservative (in the sense of not making overreaching statements) by pointing out that the pro-female bias of the Left and the inability of society to see young working class men as both valuable and fully human is a massive factor in why MAP oppression exists. You aren't getting that through some fifth wave feminist movement that doesn't exist, they prefer making tweets that say "kill all men" to attempting to rationally deal or negotiate in the realm of men's problems
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Re: Radicalized Tik Tok Foids Advocate Poisoning Men

Post by Lewis »

I totally agree
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Re: Radicalized Tik Tok Foids Advocate Poisoning Men

Post by aeterna91 »

Anonymous_Lover wrote: Fri Nov 29, 2024 10:41 pm As aeterna91 says "the cause of women's liberation is worthy of being defended in its own right," sure, maybe, but why is it our problem? I don't understand the reasoning for "intersectional" activism. We're treated worse than n*gg3rs or Jews in all but the most extreme exterminatory genocidal situations. We're a scapegoat that all these other groups, left-wing, right-wing, white, black, mra, feminist etc. continually evoke to fight with and demonize each other. In the past, it was said in defense of black/Jewish particularist activism from the broader left that they were at the bottom of the social totem pole (think segregated south, Tsarist Russia) all groups despised and disliked them and wished to keep them as a scapegoat/"untouchable" class. Many found this defense of black/jewish particularist activism (think Zionism/Marcus Garvey) persuasive even when the people pursuing such interests seemed to be pursuing ends that ran contrary to general liberation. In general, the Left while criticizing these attitudes largely did everything in its power to accomodate these particular groups in the hopes of winning them to their coalition -- sometimes at the cost of alienating others within their existing and future coalitions.

I'm not advocating that everyone adopt what might be dubbed MAP Zionism or MAP hotepery but I do think we need an independent MAP political movement, not simply tailing LGBT/feminism/liberals bc we think they are the lesser evil.

For those who don't understand the above paragraph let me elaborate a little more. Intersectionalism as an organizing strategy is premised on the idea that while different demographics might have different needs, the needs of one group are not necessarily subordinate to another, and thus one priority such as "the global proletarian revolution" can't be allowed to take priority over say feminists pursuing lawsuits over sexual assault in the workplace for instance. What it presumes is that there's a baseline solidarity between differing identity groups/left-wing causes. Is there a baseline solidarity between queers/feminists and MAPs? No. If anything queers hunt us more vociferously than even avowed conservatives.

So it doesn't make sense to me practically. Everyone wants to short-cut the hard work of building the infrastructure for a MAP revolution by appealing to existing identity groups and causes. I would say for you to even begin to be taken seriously by such partners you'd need a political machine to at least some within those groups feel there's more benefit than cost to aligning with you. How anything approaching that might be done by aligning with people who hate us right now has not been explained

Sometime ago I was reading some literature from a Maoist Third Worldist group (since I read widely and across the spectrum) and they were explaining how the intersectionalist strategy was something that came from Jewish second wave feminism. By the 60s, black nationalist groups like the Black Panther Party and NOI were firmly against Israel. In the case of BPP, since it was nominally Maoist and aligned with the liberation of all people, its criticism of Israel as fascist, colonialist, white supremacist etc. was harder to avoid for those on the fringe of the Left in the early 70s. So, since many of the thinkers and activists of 2nd wave feminism were Jewish and avowed supporters of Israel, they used the notion of intersectionality as an escape-hatch; "You work on your oppression, I'll work on mine"= don't ask me to sign your petition on Palestine, don't ask me to go your anti-Israel protest etc.

Of course, some pro-establishment and both real and alleged chauvinistic tendencies within feminism received rebuke in the form of black activist/black feminists critique of "white feminism." The reckoning on support for Israel and whether Jewish religion/culture was in need of interrogation was largely avoided. Certainly, we are seeing the first play out, I think.

My personal opinion is that feminism as I've experienced largely conforms to its characterization by men's rights activists as "maintenance of traditional male duties while liberating women from traditional female obligations." Essentially, a double standard. We see it on every level in a way that's become increasingly hard to deny. Sometimes this is extremely overt such as the "Scandinavian model" where women who sell sex are treated as victims and their work is decriminalized whereas men who buy sex have the book thrown at them and are prosecuted as sex offenders.

Over 100,000 young Ukrainian men have died, many drafted or coerced into the army by the threat of a draft, while women the same age frequent night clubs and shake their ass on tik tok -- if they aren't abroad selling sex in German brothels.

I feel I am being very conservative (in the sense of not making overreaching statements) by pointing out that the pro-female bias of the Left and the inability of society to see young working class men as both valuable and fully human is a massive factor in why MAP oppression exists. You aren't getting that through some fifth wave feminist movement that doesn't exist, they prefer making tweets that say "kill all men" to attempting to rationally deal or negotiate in the realm of men's problems
You've made some interesting points. I understand what you mean... my comment was not so much a call for the MAP movement as a whole to rally behind feminism, but I do think it could be an interesting alliance. One good reason for this, apart from the fact that I think it is a good idea to defend different movements that one considers to be just, is for practical reasons: I do think that history shows that some support from other people is necessary. I don't think gay marriage could have been legalized in any country without the support of straight people. I don't think Jim Crow laws could have been abolished without the support of many white people.

However, it's true that I didn't know some of the things you say and that show another side of intersectionality, it's interesting.

I also recognize that I may be a bit optimistic in thinking of a hypothetical fifth wave of feminism that benefits MAPs when such a thing doesn't exist at the moment, but I don't think it is a completely empty hope.. Having read what Simone de Beauvoir, Germaine Greer, Kate Millett and Firestone wrote on the subject, we know that it's perfectly possible... and, furthermore, I think it's totally consistent with the principles of feminism. I think that defending the sexual freedom of minors and their right to choose to have sex with whomever they want is a logical idea from a feminist perspective. There are many parallels between all those measures that have historically been taken to restrict women's freedom "for their own good, to protect them," against which feminism has always fought, and the measures that exist now to restrict the freedom of minors "for their own good, to protect them".
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