Society thrives on child destruction.

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Society thrives on child destruction.

Post by KnightofHope »

Society is based around the destruction of children. 

Despite being a shocking statement this is likely the most accurate reflection of our current society, given the abundance of supporting evidence.

The most unsettling aspect of this phenomenon is the pervasive use of the phrase 'for the children'. It has become a powerful tool for politicians, knowing that invoking it will often result in getting what they want. Opposing anything labeled as 'for the children' can lead to serious backlash and social repercussions


Children are the only demographic that can be systematically lied to.  Santa, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy in addition to gods… are just a few of the lies almost all are told.  The societal acceptance of lying to children is so strong that if you tell a child the truth, there is a serious possibility of being verbally or even physically assaulted for it.

Religion, among other things, teaches children to disconnect from reality and abandon their natural logic and rational thinking. This is a harmful aspect of society that systematically destroys the innocence and intelligence of children. Sadly, children are the only group of humans who can be physically assaulted without any legal repercussions. The State even has guidelines on how to execute these assaults. On top of all this, religion promotes the idea that assaulting children is necessary and beneficial, citing the phrase "spare the rod, spoil the child."

In the US, there are multiple children who are murdered every day, often by their own parents. These tragic stories rarely make national headlines, except when it benefits The State's agenda. They use these stories to instill fear in parents with the idea of 'stranger danger,' even though the chances of a child being kidnapped and killed by a stranger are incredibly low. In comparison, more attention is given to the killing of animals like lions, giraffes, and gorillas. These events dominate the news for weeks, (dicks out for Harambe) while several children lose their lives every day with little recognition

Another aspect of modern society is, everyone seems to receive participation trophies.

The act of receiving a participation trophy symbolizes a false sense of accomplishment, a hollow gesture that undermines the value of hard work and achievement. It is a charade, an illusion of success that belittles the true essence of striving for greatness and achieving it through dedication and perseverance.

Success without effort is essentially stealing, and this concept is further perpetuated by society, which is controlled by a government founded on unjust practices.

College is seen as a necessity, but it can be a financial burden for many. The cost of education has skyrocketed due to easy access to loans and the belief that a degree is necessary for success. Meanwhile, politicians continue to create lavish retirements at the expense of the younger generation and future taxpayers bear the weight of national debt.

It is likely that all children eventually come to the understanding that adults are working against them. If a child speaks out about an abusive teacher, there is a high chance they will be accused of causing their own mistreatment. Despite the fact that teachers are required to report abuse, it is not for the sake of the child, but for the benefit of government workers. The parents may end up facing legal repercussions and even imprisonment, while the child could become a ward of the state and subjected to the potentially dangerous care of CPS.

Even in cases of serious abuse, it is more common for people (including mandated reporters) to turn a blind eye and protect the adult rather than the child. The Sandusky scandal is a prime example of this. Numerous individuals had the opportunity to intervene, but chose not to. Some say that being virtuous is akin to committing seppuku, as it is such a rare occurrence. Perhaps it has more to do with the power dynamics between adults and children. When an adult mistreats a child, the child often has no control over the situation and has no choice but to endure it or end the relationship. On the other hand, adults who have the ability to intervene risk damaging their own relationships by speaking up, so they rarely do.


The volume of content explaining why public ‘education’ is so destructive is mind boggling.  At the core, it exists to destroy children for the benefit of Public Sector Union members.  The American Federation of Teachers president Al Shanker was unexpectedly honest in saying: “When school children start paying union dues, that’s when I’ll start representing the interests of school children.”  The model was built on the Prussian military school model which is designed to produce order followers for factories and the military.

-Segregation By Age
-Segregation By Subject
-Teaching False Information
-Withholding True Information
-Teaching Truth Comes From Authority
-Forced Obedience To The Unworthy
-Compelled To Go
-No Recourse

They were merely passive participants, unwilling subjects of an education system that viewed them as empty vessels to be filled with information. This approach fails to recognize that true learning occurs when a person actively seeks out knowledge and experiences it for themselves. It's like the difference between consensual sex and rape - one is a willing, enjoyable exchange, while the other is a violation against their will and ultimately damaging.

While schooling is often seen as a place for socialization, it actually does the opposite. Children are separated by age and made to interact with individuals they did not select. They are expected to stay quiet and still, and even recess time is being cut down or abolished. Therefore, school can be considered an "anti-social" setting.

The entire system is built on fear and violence. Parents, whether they have children or not, are forced to pay for it or face kidnapping, imprisonment, and torture. The same consequences apply to both students and parents who fail to attend school. Inside the classroom, students know that any refusal or resistance will result in harsher punishments. This used to be physical violence, but has now evolved into the use of dangerous drugs that can cause permanent brain damage - something even zoo animals would not be subjected to. Just like a pack of wolves doesn't need to plan their attacks, members of public sector unions look out for each other and support each other's strikes and political actions. They also give business to each other. As teachers rely on the government for job security and benefits, they reinforce the idea that the state is necessary and good, while simultaneously grooming children for the prison system. A new law has made schoolyard fights a felony, even innocent acts like stealing a kiss are now labeled as 'sex offenses', and six-year-olds are regularly handcuffed by police officers stationed at schools.


To The State, children are nothing more than pawns in a cruel game. They are seen as both a valuable resource to be exploited and a dangerous threat to be controlled. The State will do whatever it takes to strip children of their ability to think critically and solve problems, just like ranchers shear off bull horns to prevent them from fighting back. This is an attempt to ensure they remain docile and obedient.

If you question this statement, just imagine any other "special interest group" (yes, The State is a special interest group with the power to enforce its own agenda) such as a fast food chain, say KFC. If they were in control of education, do you think that children would get accurate information about the ingredients in their food, the potential health risks, or the nutritional value? Absolutely not. The children would be bombarded with messages about how delicious and enjoyable the food is, maybe even hearing false claims about its health benefits or that it can cure diseases like cancer.

After the child has been fully indoctrinated, they will grow up believing it is acceptable for half of their income to be taken from them. They will also blindly follow any rules imposed upon them, and worse yet, will even attack fellow citizens who do not want to participate in this system of abuse. This mindset, instilled during childhood, is incredibly difficult to change or overcome.

Child Protective Services, or 'CPS', is another State organization that claims to be working in the best interest of children. However, it's evident that the State doesn't truly care about the well-being of these children; they are simply seen as burdens to be handled. As a result, we hear countless stories of children being removed from safe and loving homes due to insignificant rule infractions, only to be placed in environments where they face abuse and even death.

Children, being powerless, are also subject to rules that adults would never adhere to, and the list of nonsensical regulations continues to grow. One glaring example is the criminalization of cannabis and alcohol for children but not for adults. Essentially, this sends the message that "drugs and alcohol are potentially dangerous... so if we catch you with them... we will utterly ruin your life." Another example is how many places restrict children from playing in their own front yard without parental supervision. This lack of unstructured outdoor playtime deprives children of one of the most crucial life skills: cooperation and negotiation.

In order for children to continue playing together, they must feel that the game is fair. This leads to negotiations among the players to ensure everyone has a good time. Failure to negotiate may result in being excluded by the group, which can be emotionally painful.

Children who are not taught how to negotiate will view the use of force as a viable solution to getting what they want, mirroring the mindset of a rapist. This mentality is advantageous for The State, as it aligns with their methods of operation.

The State thrives on win/lose scenarios in all interactions, so it discourages people from learning how to reach mutually beneficial agreements or even realizing that such a possibility exists. Similarly, children who don't spend time outdoors at a young age tend to have less appreciation for the environment, which ultimately benefits The State as it is the worst polluter.


In many ways, religion mimics The State. Like The State, it views children as a valuable resource and seeks to control and manipulate them for its own benefit and survival. Children who are harmed by their exposure to religion often struggle to recover from its damaging effects. Many who have been raised in a religious environment do not question the demands for financial contributions from their church, which can be as high as 10% of their income. Some may even commit acts of violence in the name of their god.

The most harmful aspect of religion for children is the systematic indoctrination and emotional manipulation. If you were to threaten to kill someone, you could face jail time. But threatening a child with eternal afterlife torture seems to be acceptable within religious contexts. This makes religion even more damaging than the State, despite both promoting falsehoods. Religion has the power to distort a child's ability to distinguish reality from fantasy, making it one of the worst forms of child abuse. Although a broken leg can heal, a broken mind may never recover from the trauma inflicted by religious beliefs


Children often see their parents as god-like giants- towering over them in size and strength, and seemingly all-knowing. Now imagine being stuck in a castle with this unpredictable 'giant-god', who has a level of understanding that you can't even begin to comprehend. They may lash out and physically harm you, whether or not you had any involvement in causing their rage.

This is a sad reality for many children in the US, as nearly 90% of parents still freely admit to physically reprimanding their children, using terms like "spanking," "a swat," or "a whoppin'." This harmful practice often starts as early as one year old, despite the wealth of information available in the information age that clearly shows the negative effects it has on a child's well-being.

Children in abusive relationships have no control over the abuse they endure. While adults may be able to leave an abusive situation, children have no means of stopping the abuse inflicted upon them. In fact, attempting to seek help by calling the police may lead to reprimand and blame for the child. The power dynamics between a parent and child are extreme, making it crucial for parents to be mindful of their actions and avoid any possibility of coercion. It is important for parents to prioritize respect, communication, planning, and setting positive examples when resolving conflicts with their children.

We’ve witnessed this scene countless times: parents disregarding their child's preferences and implying they shouldn't even have any. This not only harms the child by devaluing their wants, but also primes them to accept The State, which is inherently against the will of the people and enforces its beliefs through violence.

Also over the past several years, there has been a growing trend of over-parenting, also known as 'helicopter parenting.' While it may seem like an improvement from neglectful parenting, it deprives children of valuable life lessons. Being constantly monitored and not allowed to play outside takes away the chance for children to develop a respect and appreciation for nature. Additionally, not having unstructured play time limits their opportunities to learn social skills and practice negotiating with others.

The saying "Honor thy mother and father" is deeply ingrained in American culture, stemming from its roots in the bible. However, when we really think about it, this principle shares the same flaws as giving participation trophies to everyone - there is no incentive for the recipient to put any effort into earning those benefits. In fact, it's even worse because a child may not receive the trophy if they are not abusive towards their competitors. It's a societal expectation for children to care for their aging parents regardless of how abusive they may have been in the past. This can even lead to instances of involuntary euthanasia for those who were especially cruel to their children. Moreover, demanding honor and respect from others is a sociopathic mindset; good people do not need to demand such things. This saying is essentially an admission that the parents themselves do not intend to be good people.

Parents have the power to forcibly remove fully functioning body parts from children, a privilege not given to anyone else. While female genital mutilation is rare in the US, it remains prevalent in other parts of the world. Meanwhile, male genital mutilation, commonly known as circumcision, is still widely practiced. This procedure involves cutting off approximately half of the penis's skin, one of the most sensitive areas on the human body, without any anesthesia while the baby is alert and aware. It is a brutal and unnecessary practice that puts infants at risk for surgical errors. Before considering this procedure for their own child, parents should first try undergoing it themselves without any pain relief or sedatives.

Children exist in a peculiar paradox, one that we rarely stop to consider because it has been so thoroughly normalized: the younger they are, the fewer rights they seem to possess.

With all that taken into consideration it should not come as a surprise that they are the only individuals that can be legally killed by citizens. The high number of abortions in the United States is alarming. It is difficult to consider abortion as a mere "medical procedure" since it deliberately, permanently and involuntarily ends a life. However, this pales in comparison to the horrific reality of partial birth abortion - a baby that has been carried to term is then brutally murdered and dismembered without any form of pain relief during delivery

The State relies on the cycle of child abuse to sustain its existence… because a child who is raised in a peaceful environment will reject violence and coercion as the basis for relationships.
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MAP romance God
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Re: Society thrives on child destruction.

Post by MAP romance God »

Excellent post. Being forced to attend public schools and having abusive stepfathers traumatized me more than anything else I went through in my life, which does include forceful molestation by a teenage boy when I was 6 (I was never ever attracted to post-pubescent men). Also, there's nothing I regret more than being circumcised as a teen due to phimosis. The doctor never told me it could be solved by simple stretching exercises, of course. At least it wasn't a botched one like many have to suffer.

I'm so glad I managed to free myself from the psychological grips of laws, culture and fundamentalist Christianity. It took a long while, but I did and it does feel refreshing. It all looks like random insanity to me now; I know I have to navigate in a world where these things have power and most people take them seriously, but I vehemently I refuse to do it myself. They could potentially do things to my body (I doubt it'll ever happening considering how prudent I am), but my mind is out of reach for them for good now.

Girls: 1-mid 60s; peak attraction: 4-12
Boys: 1-puberty; peak attraction: 4-9
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