Some of us, for whatever reason, will be found on the wrong side of the law. Even though we all know that illegal activity has disastrous consequences for ourselves, and potentially for minors we are involved with, we might slip. We might go against either our own morals, our own self-interest, or both.An offending MAP alive is worth more than a non-offending MAP dead.
Even in such cases, therapists that profess to be MAP affirming, by definition, have to have our lives as their top priority. A therapist that starts moralizing, or focusing on harm-prevention over suicide-prevention is not a therapist we should trust.
A therapist dealing with a minor who has experienced AMSC may focus on helping the minor process that experience, especially if it was abusive. But while the MAP is the client the focus needs to be on that MAP's needs.
I don't think this post should cause too much disagreement, but I am curious about what anti-contact reform people think.