People commonly relates the word Pedophile to those evil and emotion-less criminals than from time to time appears on news as abusers, rapists, and murderers of children.
When for example a man kidnaps a Women, rapes and brutally murder her people would brand him a Psychopath, Crazy, A sick person, but not even one time Heterosexual (or Gay if the victim were a man).
On the other hand on a similar scenario just for one thing: the age of the female. If a man kidnaps a little girl, rapes and brutally murders her people in their minds just have one word for calling him: Pedophile. (not even gay if it were a little boy)
Until little time ago people became more accepting about sexual relations between two young children or two adolescents but not yet between two little children even less between one child or adolescent and one adult, to worsen that as it on news may seen common the image of a child being hurt or ceased of their lives is an horrific feeling that a person even a True MAP could understand.
So if you may a MAP give it some thought you could understand and even feel the hate towards people like that and hence understand how non-MAPs feels towards us because we are "labeled" the same as them. For further understanding if not acceptance of MAPs is important to get understanding of the clear difference between a Pedophile (Pedo-Sexual, MAP) and a Sadistic Person with sexual preference towards children (Sadistic Pedophile) just as most if not all of us people see the difference between a Hetero-Sexual and a Sadistic Person with sexual preference towards his or her same gender (Sadistic Heterosexual) or different gender (Sadistic Gay).
Note that the later terms may sound hilarious to most of us because people including MAPs, we all have in most cases since the beginning seen the differences. If it could be related to what in these days happens with Pedophilia or Pedosexuality if Hetero-Sexual Persons were in the same situation as MAPs, each time a rape and murder were to be committed by a person who is sexually attracted to the opposite gender they would be "labeled" Hetero-Sexual, which would then cause fear to every opposite gender attracted person, fear leads to anger and hate and in the end this is what in our reality is happening to MAPs.
It would be correct instead of doing so "label" everyone who feels pleasure for hurting children, women and mans as the same.
And those people who truly feel love, affection and sexual attraction to other people of same or different gender and age as it is.
What do you think of my thoughts? Let it be known.
Why does the hate towards MAPs exist?
Why does the hate towards MAPs exist?
Just a person who feels love and sexual attraction to persons more specific to female gender and 0-3 ages.
Re: Why does the hate towards MAPs exist?
.Why does the hate towards MAPs exist?
In short it is due to the lack of understanding generally about the real facts or reality of the fact or reality on the health research and legal backgrounds of MAP or pedophilia as it is generally known. I am preparing a paper on this point of view, hoping that it would help our community to fight thier cases in the legal as well other MSM open forums. I may take around a month to complete it.
Re: Why does the hate towards MAPs exist?
There's no easy solution, it requires public education.
Believe it or not, within living memory there is a time when being gay was viewed as even worse than being a pedophile is viewed today. In the UK if you were gay you were the lowest form of life, and a gay act could get you severely punished by the law. Gay people were driven underground out of fear, it was easily as terrible as being a map today.
But within one lifetime it has reversed from a terrible thing to a normal or even positive thing. It came up recently in a conversation about a friend being gay and the responses were all positive, "good for him", and "how nice for him". But that polar reversal came from hard work and education. The state, the law, the public were very anti-gay, gay people lived in fear. But that reversal happened but it took a fight, and now there are governments apologising for how gay people were treated in the past.
That can happen for maps and I believe it will happen for maps, but only when we get over the initial hurdle of speaking out. Gay campaigning started out as a high risk and very unpopular thing to do, but after getting over the early hump in the road it started to get easier as the prejudice became more and more highlighted. I think maps are the last to take that fight on but we will.
Believe it or not, within living memory there is a time when being gay was viewed as even worse than being a pedophile is viewed today. In the UK if you were gay you were the lowest form of life, and a gay act could get you severely punished by the law. Gay people were driven underground out of fear, it was easily as terrible as being a map today.
But within one lifetime it has reversed from a terrible thing to a normal or even positive thing. It came up recently in a conversation about a friend being gay and the responses were all positive, "good for him", and "how nice for him". But that polar reversal came from hard work and education. The state, the law, the public were very anti-gay, gay people lived in fear. But that reversal happened but it took a fight, and now there are governments apologising for how gay people were treated in the past.
That can happen for maps and I believe it will happen for maps, but only when we get over the initial hurdle of speaking out. Gay campaigning started out as a high risk and very unpopular thing to do, but after getting over the early hump in the road it started to get easier as the prejudice became more and more highlighted. I think maps are the last to take that fight on but we will.
Keep every stone they throw at you. You've got castles to build.
The power of the people is stronger than the people in power.
To endaavor to domineer over conscience, is to invade the citadel of heaven.
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor
The power of the people is stronger than the people in power.
To endaavor to domineer over conscience, is to invade the citadel of heaven.
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor