Yes, this is clear. But again, "abusing" and "offending" would never be used in the "thought process" of a Pro-c MAP, because, if there is choice, there is no abuse and no offense.Grunko wrote: Fri Feb 28, 2025 8:56 am I think what may need to be emphasised is “being attracted to someone is not the same as abusing them.”
I thought Non-offending MAP’s is meant to make it clear that MAP’s are good people with no harmful intentions and respects laws (even if they don’t agree or find them unreasonable)
Here is an example. It is not unusual that some boy, especially during its puberty/adolescence, could show some forms of affection to adult friends, which could be classified as erotic. For pro-c MAPs, saying "no young man, I'm sorry", is not accompanied by the though "I don't want to abuse this boy" (as an anti-c might think), but "I have to follow the law, and avoid the possible consequences for me and for the boy due to stigma. I'm sorry that, for these reasons, I cannot share a beautiful, positive intimate moment with this boy".