Trans age maps

A place to talk about Minor-Attracted People, and MAP/AAM-related issues. The attraction itself, associated paraphilia/identities and AMSC/AMSR (Adult-Minor Sexual Contact and Relations).
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Trans age maps

Post by mrlolicon93 »

What are your thoughts on trans age pedophiles?

Basically an adult man who identifies as a little girl or an adult woman who identifies as a young boy basically a child trapped in the body of an adult.

How common is it in the map community?

Do you think it is legit or just a form of emotional immaturity/arrested development?

Also, is it common among maps to be emotionally or mentally immature or have arrested development since a lot of us see minors as our equals and have a hard time connecting with people our own age?
AOA 3 and up prefers ages 5-14
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Re: Trans age maps

Post by Grunko »

I think that is very possible. I think there are many MAP’s who have a childlike personality and find them more fun. I also think Trans-Age is very real and Age Dyphoria. A lot of people may feel Trans-Age because they feel they are different from the typical person or feel their age is different from how they feel about themselves as an individual.

I think it is very possible for Adults to naturally have loads in common with children- particularly if you like kids movies, love playgrounds, having a water fight, being silly or dressing up etc. and children may find the adult fun.
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Re: Trans age maps

Post by Grunko »

mrlolicon93 wrote: Sat Mar 15, 2025 1:14 am
Also, is it common among maps to be emotionally or mentally immature or have arrested development since a lot of us see minors as our equals and have a hard time connecting with people our own age?
I think in regards to treating children as equals, I would say adults and children (particularly teenagers), treat each other like peers without realising especially in general public like public transport, shops, restaurants, parks etc. If an adult is does not hold any position of trust like a teacher, social worker or parent etc. then they may feel they shouldn’t really have any authority over the child. If a 13 year old riding a bike without a helmet, unless the adult is a position of trust or an authoritative figure, the adult may feel they have no power or right to tell the 13year old to wear the helmet- all they could do is advise and may to speak to them as in a similar way how another peer may speak like “if I was you, I would wear a helmet…. are you sure it is a good idea..? but doing it in a way you are not telling them what to do. If a teenager smokes on the train, and an adult who is not an authority figure tells them to not smoke, the teenager is probably not going to listen or be like “who are you to tell me to what to do.” Etc. If you know what I mean.

I think sometimes people can forget their age and you feel more like their peer even though one may be 15 and other may be 30. But I don’t know whether you would say children and adults is a bit like Tom and Jerry.
Last edited by Grunko on Sat Mar 15, 2025 2:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Trans age maps

Post by WavesInEternity »

It's interesting to note that autopedophilia and erotic-target identity inversion are common phenomena among MAPs: ... hiles.html

When I look at lolicon or write erotica, I sometimes do fantasize about being the little girl, although I wouldn't say it's central to my sexuality. I'd say it was slightly more common for me when I was younger... my masculine/dominant/penetrative role seems to have settled in with experience.

From about age 10, I felt like "an adult trapped in the body of a child". It was a mix of high-functioning autism (Asperger's syndrome), being very sexually precocious, philosophical and melancholic inclinations, and extreme family problems that required me to take responsibilities upon myself close to those of a father to my two younger sisters.

Nowadays, I display both very "adult" characteristics (e.g. a serious interest in philosophy and politics, protectiveness and responsibility towards others, and a keen awareness of my mortality) and childlike ones (e.g. I like anime/manga and cute things, have a wild imagination, don't judge others, and can be pretty irresponsible in my personal life).
"Little girls are the embodiment of love and joy."
Ideal AoA: 10-14
Broader AoA: 7-17 + some rare adult autopedophiles with a child's heart and a petite body
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Re: Trans age maps

Post by Grunko »

I know sometimes some people may lie about their age. But I wonder whether that may be because they feel that age. They feel if they give their actual age, they people have this image of what that person is and assume things about them when in reality none of them may not be true. Whether they lie about their age because that the age they feel inside.
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