Rolo - Warning

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Jim Burton
Posts: 578
Joined: Fri Jun 28, 2024 10:33 pm

Rolo - Warning

Post by Jim Burton »

You didn't "ask a small question and it turned into something major". You asked something deliberately inflammatory and then are playing the victim because you got the response you wanted. There's a term for that and it's called trolling.

I'm not saying that sort of behavior should be banned, but you can't act one way and then pretend like you're totally innocent and don't know what you're doing and that you're the victim. Actually own up to your behavior.
7/8. Please don't repeat this escalatory behavior, or any other violation - particularly within 30 days, as we will then have to decide on a suspension term.

It's notable that you escaped having your account temp-suspended by a few days because of a previous thread in which you were warned, and the effective period for that warning had only just elapsed.
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