Thank you for your detailed response.Fragment wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2024 11:32 amI'd say there's three things:Strato wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2024 11:05 am
Thank you for highlighting in the proposal the-younger-age-at-which-children-commence-puberty phenomenon. The piece is stronger for it.
I note the following from statements: "Virtuous Pedophiles is fundamentally opposed to any form of sexual activity between adults and children." Clearly the AMSC proposal takes a diametrically opposite view to this statement. I understand this forum is to give a collective voice to all MAPS, virtuous or otherwise. How does one avoid alienating a presumably not insubstantial number of fellow MAPS in this instance?
First, and most importantly, Pro-Reform is NOT a position held by MAP Union. It is a personal position held by Brian, and to a lesser degree, myself. As an organization we actually hope for the participation of more VirPed type people. We want to amplify THEIR voices, too. We have a guest blogs section where we would happily publish anti-c essays and we hope that as our committee expands in the future that we will be able to welcome anti-c people and be able to work alongside them. None of Mu's principles are opposed to VirPed's principles. We do support legal reform, but age of consent reform is not explicitly outlined as part of that.
Meanwhile we also support discussion about contact stances between pro-c and anti-c people. Some communities try to unite either side of the fence by banning discussion on the topic. We don't think that's productive. We want people who agree on most things, but disagree on one important issue, to be able to work together on the things that do unite us.
Second, and this may be splitting hairs, but pro-reform is not a position that supports sexuality activity between adults and children. Children are explicitly excluded from the reform. It is a proposal focused on adolescent sexual agency and autonomy. Formerly having strong anti-c views himself, Brian proposed 12+ partly because he felt it would be a position that moderate anti-c people could support, while still being seen as "progress enough" for pro-c people. Key to the position is that adolescents are not children- they are between childhood and adulthood and should be treated as such.
Third, even Ethan Edwards, one of the founders of VirPed has expressed a view very similar to 12+ in this blog.This is almost exactly the 16/12 position (except that the age is 13 instead of 12). Even including the ability of the younger person to prosecute without having to prove a lack of consent. I know this isn't an official VirPed position and just Ethan's personal view, but if such an influential member of the anti-c community can accept this as a reasonable position, then we believe it should be possible for 16/12 to unite a substantial part of the community. There will, of course, be abolitionists that think it doesn't go far enough and other people who think that it goes too far. But we hope it can lead to discussion, not alienation.The compromise I propose is that for girls of (say) age 13 and above, there should be no prosecution unless the girl herself wants it -- without heavy pressure from parents or law enforcement. This system leaves in place the most important protection -- if she was raped, there is no need to prove lack of consent. If it can be proven that sex happened, then if she says she did not consent she is automatically right. She could also admit she agreed to the sex but it was under false pretenses -- this should also result in a conviction, though a lighter sentence. But she also has the option to forgive the man and chalk it up to a learning experience. Of course, if she is enthusiastic about the relationship, she would not support prosecution.
Her judgment that she wants the man prosecuted should not be required immediately -- she should have a few years at least to re-evaluate the experience.
<Devil’s advocate mode: ON>
I am having difficulty reconciling on the one hand: proposal content penned by MAP Union founders, officers, whatever, and on the other: MAP Union has no position regarding the self-same proposal content. I get what you are attempting to do, but it just seems a tad dysfunctional.
“We want people who agree on most things, but disagree on one important issue, to be able to work together on the things that do unite us.”
How is MAP Union ever to improve the lot of MAPS, if our detractors can turn round and rightfully claim that the so-called union fails to agree on the important issues?
“None of Mu's principles are opposed to VirPed's principles.”
Well no ... as I read them, Mu’s principles are generic and fail to consider the elephants in the room. A problem might arise when contradictory proposals appear.
“Second, and this may be splitting hairs, but pro-reform is not a position that supports sexuality activity between adults and children.”
We need to be careful when splitting hairs; certain agencies consider a child to be between 5 and 14 years of age.
"I know this isn't an official VirPed position and just Ethan's personal view ..."
I would also caution placing excessive weight on a single person's viewpoint. There are many MAPS out there who also have personal views but no agency or resources to make them dominant.
<Devil’s advocate mode: OFF>