Re: Debunking anti C arguments
Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2025 1:45 am
I enjoy debate. So although I don't identify as anti-c, I'll throw some strong counter arguments your way so you can further refine your thinking.
This is pure equivocation. People don't use (sexual) consent in the way you're using it. Dictionary definitions are simplistic and often fail to capture much of a term's social nuance. In a sexual sense consent is not just an agreement, it is an agreement that is informed and communicated clearly and freely. If someone is pressured into doing something, that is not consent. If they don't know what they're agreeing to, that is not consent. If they are hesitant in their agreement, that is not consent. Kids cannot consent to a cell phone contract for many of the above reasons. They cannot consent to many kinds of labor. Sex with an adult inevitably involves explicit or implicit use of the adult's power.1. Here's the definition of consent straight from the dictionary
“Permission for something to happen or agreement to do something”
So children are incapable of agreeing to things? Children are incapable of giving permission for things to happen? No child in the history of existence on planet earth has ever agreed or given permission to anything ever? Doesn't that directly contradict the argument that kids cant say no to adults? Kids are sentient human beings, not dolls, they agree to things all the time. Legally, no, kids have no autonomy or agency, legally kids cant consent, but thats the law, not a kids innate power.
This again misses what we're talking about when we talk about sex. Does a kid have the relationship experience to understand the jealousy associated with sex? Do they understand how having sex with a man will impact how they are seen by others (as a slut if they're a girl, as a fag if they're a boy)? When someone says "kids don't understand sex" they are talking about the social baggage associated with sex (and virginity), not the physics of it.2. So kids can comprehend artificial modern social concepts like calculus and Shakespeare and social niceties and long division, but an innate biological urge observed in even the human fetus(human fetuses have been shown masturbating to completion) is impossible for kids to comprehend. Sex is in fact so easy to comprehend that even bugs and frogs can comprehend it.
Being aware of the risks of being abused doesn't mean you're immune to having it happen. Knowing that an adult man is 2-3 times heavier than you and can hold you down doesn't mean you now have the capacity to stop him. And anyway, information should be imparted in an age-appropriate manner. Topics like the nature of God and death are progressively explained to children as they age- we don't expect full understanding straight away.3. So inform them? Am I missing something?
We dont call educating a teenager on driving “grooming” despite the potential risk for permanant injury or death. We dont call supervising kids swimming “child abuse” despite the risk of injury or death. We dont call going horseback riding with your kid to bond with them trauma inducing, despite the completely unncessary risk to the child and the danger of 900 pound kicking machine that gets easily startled. No, we just educate the kids on the potential risks and benefits and either do it with them or supervise them to pleasurably bond and teach. All of these things are far more dangerous, life altering, and DEADLY compared to a child having a bad or neutral experience with sex.
You're conflating different levels of risk. The risk of getting an STI or pregnant from sex is higher than the risk of traumatic injury from a horse or car. And again, you're totally ignoring the social consequences. A teenage mother is tarred for life as a "whore". Maybe a sex-positive society would have different values, but in that case pushing pro-c before achieving that sex-positive society is reckless and mixing up priorities.4. What are “the consequences”? Seriously. That a baby gets in your tummy? Because we explain that to kids all the time. The risks of disease? Because we also explain the concepts of disease and disease prevention to kids all the time. Seriously, what are the consequences of sucking dick that are so severe and complicated that children can't grasp it but can grasp horses and automobiles and not getting stomped to death or run over?
Again, you're talking about different things. The physical dangers you mention are not the same as the emotional trauma that comes from sexual abuse. Sex functions differently to most other human recreation activities. If you doubt that, try inviting your buddies over for sex instead of fantasy football and see how they react.5. So are motor vehicle accidents, one of the leading cause of death and injury in children and teenagers, not to mention technically unnecessary due to other forms of transportation, but we don't ban kids from it due to the “risk” of harm, no matter how frequent or severe, because its a helpful skill to have and enjoyable. Poor diets are the leading causes of obesity in minors, yet we dont ban kids from eating candy despite the potential risks of getting infections, losing body parts, gaining a lifelong disability like diabetes. No,, we just educate, supervise, and participate directly, which is perfectly understandable when it comes to all these other examples but magically becomes a fate worse than death(literally) when it comes to sex.
This is a strawman. Anti-cs don't deny that some kids are sexual and that some even would like adult partners. However, the majority are more interested in age-appropriate partners. The current laws might block some relationships that would be positive, but more than that they provide a solution for the many cases where a younger person didn't desire a relationship with an adult. Anti-cs think it is more important to protect potential victims than to allow horny teens unrestricted sexual access.6. So why do we constantly have to fight so tooth and nail against children trying to participate in sexual activities? Why does it take years, if not decades, to convince children that their sexual experience was bad? How come kids constantly go against our backs and have sex anyways even when we tell them time and time again what a sinful evil it is? If its so unwanted, then why do children themselves make up almost the majority of cases of csa, even without adult intervention or “grooming”? What nasty, highly prolific predator is running around grooming human fetuses into masturbating? Is their an army of nepis grooming babies and toddlers into humping their stuffed animals? How come its almost impossible to manipulate children into enjoying physical abuse or emotional abuse, but the minute any form of sex is involved, all it takes is simply informing them of what it is and the kid is brainwashed and ruined for life?
Sex is new and shocking to many kids so they don't know how to react. They don't know they are supposed to say 'no' to it. They act out of uncertainty and fear. Even if they aren't threatened, there is an instinctual fear of physical coercion in intimate situations. Doing things because you're bribed goes against the idea of "freely given" consent.7. Excuse me, what?! Has anyone who uses this argument ever even met a kid before? Trying making a toddler eat their veggies and see how blindly they obey you. Try making a teenager do their homework to see that blind adult/child obedience first hand. The whole thing with kids is that their own innate desires are so strong that it is extremely difficult to get a kid to do something an adult wants unless the kid genuinely wants it, yet when what a kid wants is sex, the act of sex is considered so dirty and impure that no “pure and innocent” kid would ever want it, so its written of as “grooming”. In fact, kids are so hard wired NOT to blindly follow adults that it takes physical coercion like beatings or spankings to make them follow the simplest of orders, which I agree is wrong, and I agree physical coercion into sex should be considered abuse. Heres the thing though, anti cs consider even non physically coercive sex, even when the child proposes the idea and willingly goes along with it(which antis deny ever happens despite the proof that it happens, and extremely frequently at that), a form of abuse. The very concept of grooming in most instances of AMSC is shaky at best. You could also say that its grooming for abuse, but without the coercion, whats the abuse? Is it the sex? Is sex innately abusive?