Fragment wrote: Tue Jan 28, 2025 4:49 am
“I'll be honest, I do struggle with nepiophiles as an exclusive hebephile. Not that I think they should be judged, hated or condemned. But I struggle to wrap my head around what kind of sexual reciprocity could exist in such a relationship. Are they just objectifying the small kids in their fantasies? Using them as a tool to get off? Are they imagining a greater level of capacity than a child of such an age could actually possess?”
-I'll be honest, I do struggle with hebephiles as an exclusive teliophile. Not that I think they should be judged, hated or condemned. But I struggle to wrap my head around what kind of sexual reciprocity could exist in such a relationship. Are they just objectifying the young kids in their fantasies? Using them as a tool to get off? Are they imagining a greater level of capacity than a child of such an age could actually possess?”
-I think its more objectifying to view small children as blank and soulless with nothing to offer an adult other than sex. Small kids may have difficulty communicating, but they still possess their own thoughts, feelings, desires, and personalities, and like any another group of maps, the emotional appeal is the same, or even stronger, than any sexual appeal. Small kids are sentient and conscious, just like any other age group, obviously you cant have the same type of sexual relationship with a toddler as you could an older kid, at most just gentle petting, but being a map is about more than just sex. And theres nothing special about sex in the first place compared to any other form of physical affection that it has to be outright banned. You cant even use the argument that small kids dont have sexual feelings, as human fetuses have been showing masturbating in the womb and babies and toddlers have been documented masturbating.
-Adults show physical affection to toddlers all the time, and I dont see how physical affection instantly turns from an expression of love and bonding into “objectification” the minute anything sexual is involved. Unless you subscribe to sexseptionalism, where any expression of sexuality is inherently objectifying and problamatic if it doesnt personally give you a boner. Sex isnt inherently “objectfying” and its easy to treat small children as human beings if you dont have a personality disorder. So unless you are specifically treating them like objects during sex play, its not “oBjEctIfIcAtIoN”.(Side note, I am so sick and tired of buzz words like “objectification” and “normalization” and “sexualization”, people just use them blindly as a substitute for an actual argument, if something makes you uncomfortable, instead of just saying “I dislike it” you can just say “it sexualizes the objectification and normalization of the patriarchy and is problematic” or something like that, and most people will be satisfied with that answer, even it doesn't actually explain your position. Especially “objectification”, as most who use this argument see the the people they claim to be arguing in defense of as little more than objects themselves, and project their own inner feelings onto the person they see as toxic or abusive. If you see sex as inherently abusive and negative, and you dont think kids below a certain age have anything to offer adults but one sided sexual gratification, its easy to see how a nepio is just “objectfyingly sexualizing”, since you yourself dont see small kids as having anything of more value to add to a relationship, which to me, is more “problamatic” than sucking some kids dick). If you genuinely view nepiophile relationships as inherently “objectification” I would appreciate if you could go more in detail about what specifically the “objectifying” part of the relationship is, unless expressions of sexuality alone is supposed to be “objectification”, and if thats the case, my only question is, whats so inherently dirty and negative about sex compared to everything else in life? Whats so special about sex?)
-And of course there has to be differences for different age groups. Just like you wouldnt bear hug a fragile toddler to show affection, you shouldnt penetrate them either. That doesnt mean phyisical or sexual affections should be outright banned, just adjusted for the capacity of the age group. If you can understand the love a non map shows for their toddlers, you can understand the love a nepi shows for their toddlers, which is fundamentally the exact same but with sexual appeal. Of course theirs the argument that young kids are incapable of knowing what they want or saying no, but if youve ever interacted with a baby, or even a toddler, you will realize that pretty much the only thing they say to adults is no, wether verbally or non verbally. Wether its screaming at the top of their lungs for hours or crying or hitting and punching and kicking and throwing tantrums, young kids actually have an easier time expressing their dislike of a situation than say, preteens, as they arent bound by social niceities and are in their ““selfish”” stage.
“I think part of my struggle is that I support legal reform and giving MAPs as a way to live authentically (which includes a right to sexual expression). But I don't know if I could extend that to very young toddlers. I understand pro-c arguments about sexual play with even babies, but I don't think I can get there, myself, especially having had a kid.”
-I think part of my struggle is that I support legal reform and giving MAPs as a way to live authentically (which includes a right to sexual expression). But I don't know if I could extend that to very young teenagers. I understand pro-c arguments about sexual play with even middle school aged children, but I don't think I can get there, myself, especially having had a kid.”
-The exact same argument could be used regarding preteens. I dont think personal discomfort or having a kid yourself is a good justification for not supporting something, especially since that exact same logic is used to make relationships with preteens and hebephiles illegal. Any argument that puts sexual play and affection as fundamentally different from any other forms of play and affection can be easily used against hebephiles and preteens, not just nepis and young kids, so if you expect any type of legal reform from antis using this logic, dont be surprised when it doesnt work, or only works temporarily.
“So, I end up talking about a situation where all MAPs should be loved, accepted and respected, but the legal and social rights that I hope can be extended to hebephiles might never be extended to nepiophiles.”
-I find that extremely hard to believe, considering that for the majority of humanity there has been no aoc, and sexual play between all age groups(including nepiophillia) was common place. Only extremely recently, and mainly in the western world, has some form of an aoc, wether based on puberty or hard legal lines, even been a thing. I find it extremely disingenuous when someone argues that they wont support a thing because it will “never” be accepted, when said thing has been accepted for the majority human history. If humans can go from enslaving black people in chattel slavery to having a black president, why is it so hard to believe than nepiophiles can go from being imprisioned to having legal and social rights? In fact it seems even easier for nepios to get legal and social rights compared to other marginalized groups.
“The question I ask myself is
how to properly show love for nepios (or pedosadists) despite that. I guess even for anti-c people the question is "how can we respect hebephiles even if they lack freedoms that GLB people have?"”
-I dont appreciate nepiophillia being lumped in with sadism. If you see a love of toddlers as being in the same class as literal sadism then im not sure I want your love.
“We have a two-tier class system wherever we draw the line, unless we abolish it altogether. That doesn't sit right with me, but I'm not sure what the solution is.”
-Until someone is creative enough to come up with something else, those are the options we have to work with.