It's girls for me
.. I mean.. where would I begin? I've always enjoyed the beauty, softness and feminity of a woman. And little girls are the epitome of that.
I'm attracted to their innocence.. in that a woman often gets.. well, evil, for a lack of a better term, as they get older.
And I know that's a huge generalization.. and I certainly don't mean all women.
But there is a playfulness and a living in the moment with LG's..
Where women, even into their late teens and 20's.. begin to a view a man as what can you do for me? How much money do you have? What kind of car do you drive? etc.
And then you have the games that they play, trying to make you jealous, playing hard to get.. using a guy they don't like, just because they enjoy the attention.
And that's the more easier one's to deal with.. I won't even get into the gold diggers, boss babes, only fans and generally evil women.
In contrast, LG's are carefree and just care about.. how nice you are you to them.. How you make them feel and how much fun she has when you're around!
They just want to dance, be silly, laugh and have fun. And I'm truly a big kid at heart, so those are the things I care about too.
Now, that's all personality wise.. in terms of their physical attractiveness.. in my opinion, there is truly nothing more beautiful in this world than a little girl.
They drive me wild with passion. I get butterflies in my stomach when they're around.
Their gorgeous hair with the little baby hairs that meet their forehead, their alluring baby doll eyes, their smooth, supple, blemish free skin.. their wonderful flat chest.. or breasts that are just beginning to bud, such that they don't hang at all.. it's just these glorious little mounds of soft, creamy satin.
their red pouty lips.. the little blonde hairs on their arms or legs. Their plump, healthy bums..
and of course their tight, tiny little...
Slice of heaven. Oh gawd when they're wearing something tight with no panties and you can see the outline.
.. goodness, I melt.
And what I've always found interesting is that men generally think young women are more attractive than older women.
Of course there are outliers.. but for most men I would say that's the case.
And that being said, I'll never understand.. if they are attracted to beautiful young females.. then why wouldn't they be attracted to even younger beautiful females?
Clearly for some guys there is a point where they don't find them attractive anymore, and they appear too young.
And I also have to remind myself that, there are boy lovers that find LB's to be incredibly sexually attractive. .. yet, I just don't feel that way. There isn't that burning desire inside me when I see them.
And which just further proves the point that whether gay, straight, girl lover, boy lover, old, fat, skinny, blonde, brunette.. short, tall.. etc. we just simply don't choose who we are attracted to. We just are, or we aren't.. and there's really no changing that.
Ok, well I've rambled long enough I guess.. thanks for letting me share.