To put it bluntly... My penis is shrinking. .. also, I'm frequently pulling down my pants and finding my foreskin over the head of my penis.. I am circumcised and in 35 years I have never dealt with that in my life. Period. ..
My erections have also become extremely infrequent.. it's common to go multiple days without getting an erection.
My penis has always been an above average size.. it's always hung and had pretty good length even when it was flaccid, and when it was erect, it was a good strong erection about 8 inches.
But over the last year it has dramatically decreased in size.. today as an example, I went in to use the bathroom and my foreskin was completely over the head of my penis, and my penis was basically just a short little nub sticking out.
I am freaking the fuck out man.
Okay, so here's some things for context and background, I'm 6 ft tall, 205 lbs, in my late 30s.. and have always been extremely healthy and athletic.. I am on some medications that can have a decrease in libido and contribute to erectile dysfunction.. with that said, I've been on them for a long time and it's really never been an issue in the past.
I have also gained a lot of weight recently, about 50 lb in the last year.. I'll spare all the details, but about a year ago I was too skinny, and now that I have a car and I'm walking much less and eating more, I gained a bunch of weight.
And the one last thing I'll say, I also got the vaccination.. which is one of the biggest regrets in my life. Because I've always been extremely healthy, and never get the flu or anything like that.
I just finally gave in after like 2 years and had a weak moment.. then like 2 weeks later, everything just went back to normal, no mandates, no mask.. just business as usual. And I felt so duped, and so stupid that I fell for it.
And I'm starting to wonder if perhaps the vaccine has anything to do with it.
And of course being a map, it's rare that I feel horny, get erections and masturbate.. because frankly there's nothing that really turns me on, except little girls. I don't have a little girlfriend, and I don't have any access to material that would make me aroused. ..
I would say I masturbate maybe like once every two weeks. I am still able to get an erection when I'm really in the mood, and I am able to ejaculate and still have some pretty good orgasms. But it's just really infrequent.
Okay, so that's pretty much everything that's going on..
And I'm really hoping someone can give me any insight, have any of you dealt with this at all? .. did you perhaps get the vaccine and maybe having some of the same issues?
Have you experienced anything like this lately? Have you experienced anything like this in your life?
Do you think it could be from all the weight I've gained? Is it maybe a low testosterone situation, and now that I'm getting close to 40?
But now things have taken such a dramatic turn, and it's only over the last year. I literally have never dealt with it before in my life and I'm just really freaking out.
Any help or insight whatsoever would be greatly appreciated