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Question: Do the following situations also make you a MAP?

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2025 8:37 pm
by Grunko
We know MAP’s are people who are attracted to children/adolescents, but let’s say the following situation occurs
* An adult is attracted to someone who looks 14 but in reality they are actually 30
* An adult is attracted to someone who looks 30 with a fall beard and muscular body but they are actually 15
* An adult is attracted to another adult who is more
mentally more like a child

Would these people be still considered MAPs? How does that work?

Re: Question: Do the following situations also make you a MAP?

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2025 9:14 pm
by FairBlueLove
Considering strictly the MAP acronym, and the legal implications, then 1-> no , 2 -> yes, 3 -> no.

But, for me, I would be attracted more to someone with child-like characteristics even if adult, than to a kid with too many adult-like traits.

A separate question is what society thinks. On this merit, I have an episode I can recount. When I was in my twenties, I was walking on a crowded promenade with a girl close to my age, but quite minute, when a group of boys started calling me "pedophile". They nailed it by chance, but she was not a minor.

Re: Question: Do the following situations also make you a MAP?

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2025 5:17 am
by Fragment
I think I'd split the difference and say "if the attraction is to a legal person, then it is not minor-attraction, but attraction based on a particular body phenotype may mean it is pedophilia or hebephilia".

Minor-attraction is used as a legalistic term because it is the law, primarily, that unites people with as different interests as a hebephile BL and a nepi GL.

How we define our attractions on a personal level may differ from the scientific level, which may also differ on the social or legal levels.

Re: Question: Do the following situations also make you a MAP?

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2025 7:23 pm
by Keith
Don't really know. For me I am only attractive to BOYS between the ages of 3-9 years old. They won't have A bread at that age.

Re: Question: Do the following situations also make you a MAP?

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2025 10:46 pm
by PorcelainLark
Basically there are two senses to the meaning of the term MAP, there's the strict legal sense (which means literally anyone attracted to minors, regardless of whether the minor looks young), and the sense in which it's a metonym for pedophile/hebephile (i.e. since all pedophiles and hebephiles are attracted to minors, you use it as short hand). Since the term MAP has been adopted in part as a substitution for the more loaded term "pedophile", I think it makes more sense to apply focus on the second sense when speaking outside the context of legal reform.
* An adult is attracted to someone who looks 14 but in reality they are actually 30
Yes. Especially if the adult thinks the 30 year old is actually 14.
* An adult is attracted to someone who looks 30 with a fall beard and muscular body but they are actually 15
Only in the first sense, because they aren't typically attracted to 15 year olds.
* An adult is attracted to another adult who is more mentally more like a child
Not necessarily. For example, an age player may be turned on by childlike behavior, but that doesn't necessarily mean they are attracted to the shape of a child or adolescent's body.

Also, consider the term "minor MAP." If you only use the term MAP in the first sense, you don't get what "minor MAP" means: a minor that has a persistent attraction to persons younger than than themselves (e.g. a person who, from the ages of 14-16 years old, remains persistently attracted to 8 year olds). Since minors are already usually attracted to other minors, what else could be the purpose of the term?

Re: Question: Do the following situations also make you a MAP?

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2025 3:39 am
by CL2025
I just think they're precious and adorable. I had many chances over the years but was scared of the life ruining consequences.

Re: Question: Do the following situations also make you a MAP?

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2025 9:38 am
by Fragment
CL2025 wrote: Mon Mar 03, 2025 3:39 am I just think they're precious and adorable. I had many chances over the years but was scared of the life ruining consequences.
Wrong topic?

Re: Question: Do the following situations also make you a MAP?

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2025 9:44 pm
by Outis
No but that's why it's a dumb idea that maps are people attracted to people under 18. People look and feel different. My wife was getting age ID checked to make sure she was 18, when she was 30. She loved that but people probably thought I was dating a kid then.

I've met kids who look older, heck I know a 12 year old girl who's 6 foot and looks in her 20s, I've had a nightmare trying to convince places that she's a minor.

It isn't just physical differences either. I know kids as young as 10 who are crazy smart, I know one guy who's 10 who has an encyclopaedic knowledge of ancient Greece and a very strong grasp of chemistry and Physics, meanwhile I know people in their 40s I wouldn't trust to boil a kettle.

Or emotional. I know adults who are an emotional wreck and get upset about the smallest thing, mood swings and have minimal self contol and I know kids who are emotionally solid and really have their stuff together.

The idea that there are distinct differences between someone under 18 and over 18 or even under 16 and over 16 is absurd.

Re: Question: Do the following situations also make you a MAP?

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2025 11:25 pm
by DdiDdi Da
I think "Minor" is for legal age not for appearance.