~ Sometimes I wonder if I'm simply dead
~ The voices; they wage war within my head
~ They scream; they curse; they demand attention
~ Witness me as gods orchestrate the end
~ Worry not little one, for I am... a friend
○ It's been several days now since the attack, and everyone is recovering well. Allurus, however, is becoming increasingly more obsessive over this, and we all take notice. He's getting angrier, and I'm starting to struggle sleeping. This sound in my head is only growing louder; it's to the point where even the thing within me complains about it too. I think Allurus knows time is against him, and despite Aya's consultancy, he is determined to not rest until The Cycle is finally broken. Today we're all heading back to the training arena to try harmonic convergence again. I really hope things run a little more smoothly this time, but I won't hold my breath.
Ganda: How are you holding up Eu-Meh? Allurus said you don't have to be here if you don't want to.
Eu-Meh: It still hurts pretty bad, but I want to see this through. I'm more worried about Aya and Allurus honestly. They both are really pushing themselves.
Jasper: Yeah, Allurus especially. Guy suffered a broken nose, arms, ribs, and some hemorrhaging; got his face all stitched up too, yet he still wants to truck through. Dude's a unit.
Eu-Meh: I just hope they both don't over do it.
Ganda: And what about you Jasper? Still shooken up by what happened?
Jasper: Me? Nah, just glad the newbie stepped up when he did. Shit could've been a lot worse than what it was if not for him.
Eu-Meh: He may not be that bad, I guess.
Ganda: Hmm...
○ Man, I'm exhausted. Couldn't really sleep with this noise in my head.
● "Yeah, it's starting to get on my nerves too."
○ You think Dream will come back, the normal one, I mean?
● "Don't know; don't care, just want to get this shit over with and go to the beach or something."
○ I don't thi-
● "Just let me have my fantasy, buzz kill. I know where this road ends, so just let me have some escape."
○ Alright, sorry.
Allurus: Okay, 𝘩𝘶𝘧𝘧, 𝘩𝘶𝘧𝘧. Let's try this again. Everyone ready?
Everyone: Ready.
Allurus: Aya?
Aya: "Mhmm. I'll see you on the other side Allurus."
Allurus: Alright then, no more delays.
Allurus: Buckle up everyone, cause I have feeling this gonna be a rough one.
- Allurus looks across at Aya and smiles.
- Aya returns the gesture.
Eu-Meh: Oh, Void. You think we're safe in here?
Jasper: Better in here then out there.
Ganda: Quiet, both of you. It's beginning.
○ Is this gonna hurt, and did I just hea-
● "Fucking christ, what are we doing right now? This is gonna be a trip, I can feel it."
○ I see a bright flash just before everything goes dark. Was something else supposed to happen? Aside from that light, it felt like nothing really happened at all. Oh wait... my body is glowing light, whoa!
○ Hey, you seeing this, thing?
○ I do not receive a response.
○ Uhmm... Allurus, Aya, can you guys hear me?
○ Still nothing. What's going on, and what exactly is this place? I feel... cold.
- Hello?
○ Whoa, hey! Uh, who are you?
- Oh, wow! It's actually another person, wait... maybe it's them, oh no...
○ 'Them'? What do you mean?
- Oh, so you're not one of them? Whew, that's a relief.
○ I still don't know about this 'them' you're referring to.
- Really? Wow, okay. Where did you come from then?
○ Uhmm... I was inside some kind of training grounds or something with other people and we uh...
- You sound familiar. You sure we haven't met before?
○ Look, I don't even know who you are or where I am. I'm just trying to figure out what's going on.
- I'm Dream, and I've... been hiding from everyone.
○ Oh, so you're Dream?!
Dream: So you do know who I am?
○ Oh, uh... kinda. We've been hoping you knew how to break The Cycle.
Dream: Who's 'we', and what's The Cycle?
○ Damn, you don't even know about it?
Dream: Should I? I've just been trying to get away from them.
○ When you say them, are you talking about... The Choir?
Dream: Yes! They killed my friends! They've been trying to kill me and... they're hunting Witness.
○ Witness?
Dream: They must never, ever catch her; I think I'm staring to realize now why she left us. She saw what was happening, but knew she couldn't save all of us, so she fled and didn't have the heart to tell us why.
○ Damn, so is that's what's been happening? How are you still alive then?
Dream: I guess as she fled beyond, I hid from within.
○ Hmm... I think we somehow exist within your subconscious then, and that's how we can still hear you.
Dream: So, who are you then, and who's this 'we' you keep mentioning?
○ We're people who want to help you stop The Choir and end The Cycle.
Dream: So, you're a friend?
○ Heh, as good of one as you're gonna get at the moment, I'm afraid.
Dream: What about the others you mentioned?
○ Oh, right. There was someone else that came in here with me, but don't know where he is, though.
Dream: Do want to go look for him?
○ Kinda have to; it's important.
Dream: Well, let's go searching for him then!
○ "Man... it's crazy to think this child is the same monster that tried to kill everyone earlier. He doesn't even seem to be aware of what's going on. What even happened to you Dream?"
- ...
● Fuck me. Fuck. Where the hell even am I?
● Hey, cosmic fuckers! I think something went wrong because I can't hear the dumbfuck anymore, and its darker than satan's asscrack in here. Hellllllllooooo?! Motherfuckers, I knew this was a bad idea. Where the fuck do I even go?
Allurus: Oh, there you are.
● Jesus! Don't just sneak up on me like tha- whoa. You look different.
Allurus: Good to finally be able to see you too wretch. This is the form we conduits take when we enter different plains of reality. Right now, we're in a controlled substrate of The Starfield, but don't worry, The Board can't see or hear us.
● Oh, now would you at that? I finally got my own body. Hey, cosmic fuck?
Allurus: Wha-? Ahh, fuck! Seriously, you're gonna punch me?!
● Heh, heh, I've been waiting fucking ages to do that.
Allurus: Satisfied then?!
● No, but it'll do, for now.
Allurus: Well, don't do that again or, it might destabilize the connection.
● Alright, fine. So, where are the others?
Allurus: That's a good question. It's not usually like this, but these are unusual circumstances.
● Are we trapped in here?
Allurus: No, I can still feel Aya's connection, so all long as it holds, this dimension will persist. Not sure why she, or your other isn't here with us though.
● Sigh... always gotta be some shit with you people.
Allurus: Relax, we'll find them. Let's try to regroup with Aya first, then we can boost our frequency to find your other.
● Lead the way then, cosmic fuck.
Allurus: God, now I know how your other feels. How did he put up with being alone with you for all this time?
● My impeccable charm, now shut the fuck up, so we can find them and get this shit over with.
- ...
Aya: Stange how we're not all together. I can still sense Allurus, so at least I know he's in here. I wonder what happened to the candidate?
○ Aya?
Aya: Oh, there you are! Haha, after what happened before, I got worried.
○ It's good to see you're holding up well too. Oh, and uh... I found Dream.
Aya: Really?! Where?!
Dream: Hello!
Aya: Dream?! Oh, Void, It's actually you! How did you end up in here?!
Dream: I don't know.
○ I think this is the corrupted construct we fought earlier, but he seems okay now. You are good right?
Dream: Huh, we did?! I don't... remember doing that.
Aya: Oh, Dream. What have they done to you?
Dream: I don't... I don't really want to think about it right now.
Aya: Awe, it's okay Dream, you don't need to say anything if you don't want to. Candidate, may we talk momentarily?
○ mmm... yeah, sure.
Dream: You're not leaving me are you?
Aya: No, It's just something we need to discuss alone. I promise we'll be right back.
Dream: That's what Witness said...
Aya: Oh Void, Witness... that's right. Don't worry Dream, you'll still see us over there.
Dream: Okay.
○ Well, what is it Aya?
Aya: I think this is one of Dream's fragments, and it must've entered you when we exercised its corruption.
○ ...
Aya: It's okay, you aren't in danger, but...
○ Aya?
Aya: The Observers' essence you absorbed might try and corrupt him again, so we need to be vigilant.
○ Oh, fuck. Is that thing in here with us too?
Aya: No, thankfully not, but the echo of it will be, and may try to infect us, including Dream, so we need to quickly find the others and complete the convergence.
○ What's gonna happen to Dream when we finish?
Aya: I uh... I really don't know.
○ You think, Dream subconsciously wants to converge with the thing and I, and that's why it came in here?
Aya: ?!
○ I mean, I feel... attracted to him in some way.
Aya: Convergence only commences between a candidate and their reflection, becoming actualized. Dream... hmm. Well, let's just go regroup and consult with Allurus, and go from there.
○ Alright.
Dream: You're back!
Aya: Dream, we're gonna go find our friends now, okay? Wanna come along?
Dream: Yeah, I'd love to!
Aya: 𝘎𝘪𝘨𝘨𝘭𝘦𝘴. Okay, hold my hand, and lets go.
Dream: What's your names?
Aya: I'm Aya, and this is... uh... What is your name candidate?
○ ?
Aya: Candidate?
○ My name? Uh, my name is... it's uh... huh. What the hell is my name?
Dream/Aya: ?
● Hey, dumbfucks! There you are, where the hell have you two been?
○ You?! You have a body no- Ow, shit! The fuck is your problem?!
● You deserve that too, bitch.
Allurus: I said to stop that! You could destabilize the conn-
● Fuck off asshat!
Allurus: D-did you just flip me off?!
Aya: If you dare touch another person, then I'll make what Allurus has done to you look like a joy ride.
● Heh, heh, heh, do your worst bit- Ahh, fucking christ!
○ Fuck you too, asshole.
● Hahaha! Glad to see you finally grow a pair dumbfuck. C'mere you son-ova-bitch!
Allurus: Wil you two cut it out?! Stop it! Rrrah! Stop kicking me, you goddamn wretch!
Dream: These are your friends?
Aya: Mmm... Maybe friends was a strong word.
● I'm gonna rip your fucking throat out! Move or be moved, cosmic fuck!
○ I've been waiting to finally give you your dues you psychotic prick! Get the fuck out of my way Allurus!
Allurus: No! You both need to be in harmony for this to work, not beating the shit out of each other! God, after everything, you two still don't get it.
● Heh, old habits and pent-up tensions, I guess?
Allurus: Well, we're gonna settle this the right way, okay?! I'm talking to both of you!
○ Fffffine.
Allurus: And you?!
● Yeah, we're peachy.
Allurus: Alright, Jesus. Never have I witnessed such a violent convergence occur. And here I thought Eu-Meh had it rough.
● Well, what were you expecting cosmic fuck?
○ So, did all of them have to experience this?
Aya: We all did at some point, even me.
○ You went through this too?! But you're...
Allurus: That's a story for another time. For now, we'll go ahead and comm-
Aya: Actually Allurus, there's someone else here we would like to discuss this with.
Allurus: What? Wh- oh, Void...
● Oh, shit, I didn't even notice. Who the fuck are you?
Dream: I'm sorry if I intruded something. Should I leave?
Aya: No, no, It's alright. This is Dream, Allurus.
Allurus: Dream... it's actually you?! D-do you remember anything about what happened earlier?
Dream: I don't...
Aya: He doesn't remember anything prior to the incident.
Dream: Did I do something wrong?
● That little fucker is Dream?! Oooohohoho, you little mother-fuckin'...
Dream: I, I, I'm sorry...
Aya: Enough! I will not allow you to torment him. He did nothing wrong; it was The Choir's influence, and you know damn well of that, so fuck-OFF! Or so help me, I will tear you apart, limb from limb, put you back together, and do it again and again till you beg for mercy. Then, I'll obliterate your mind so you become trapped in an infinite loop of pain and torment like no other being has ever experienced. GOT IT?!
Allurus/○: ......
● You know, I kinda like it when you get like that.
Aya: Ugh, wha-?!
○ Jesus Christ, will you chill man?
● Alright, alright, fine; I'll let it slide.
Allurus: We done now? I'm so sorry for all this Dream, but don't worry; no one here...
● What? I said we're good.
Allurus: Uh, huh. No one here blames you for what's been happening, but we're gonna need your help to stop it. You think you can do that?
Dream: I... Will I be able to see my friends again?
Allurus: 𝘚𝘪𝘨𝘩... I really don't know Dream, but we need to do something really important right now, so we're gonna do that first, and then we can see we what can do about your friends, okay?
Dream: Hmm... Aya?
Aya: Actually Allurus, I had a conversation with the candidate, and we were wondering if Dream could converge with them?
Allurus/●: What?!/Oh, fuck that! Bad enough having this prick in my head; I don't need some brat snooping around too.
○ Allurus, I think Dream is subconsciously trying to help us, and that's why he's in here with us.
Allurus: Wild theory, but since Dream splintered himself, it's hard to know exactly what his intentions are.
Dream: I splintered myself?
Aya: He's a shattered being as well, Allurus. We should try to make him whole, or at least... good enough. Don't you think?
Allurus: Hmm... I'm getting weird déjà vu right now, but what do you want to do Dream?
Dream: I just want to leave this place.
Allurus: Hm... And how about you two? I mean, well, are you fine with it, candidate?
● Hey! I get no say?
Allurus: YOU, are gonna go along with whatever everyone else decides and quit your bitching. Don't forget why we're doing this.
● Ughhh... fine, whatever.
○ Will it even work?
Allurus: We can try, but you all need to accept each other as one, unified being.
○ Okay, I'm down. Dream, Is this all okay with you?
Dream: If it'll help save the others, then I'll try.
○ Thing?
● ... yeah...
Allurus: You all need to commit.
Dream/○●: We do.
Aya: Let's do it then. This is going to be an unprecedented convergence. Do you think we're strong enough to converge three separate beings, Allurus, especially after recuperating since the attack?
Allurus: I'll give as much as you can handle, if you can do the same.
Aya: Alright then, I suppose. Now, here comes the really hard part.
~ I can't... wait. Hmhmhmhm...