The case of the Nobel Peace Bishop (convicted of pedophilia) will be Pope Francis' test in East Timor
Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2024 6:06 pm ... 39881.html
Many victims of pedophilia in East Timor, the next stage of the Pope's trip to Asia and Oceania, expect Francis to be able to clarify two shocking events on which the Church has brought down an embarrassing blanket of silence. In both cases, the prelates, despite having raped minors, are still widely praised for supporting the Timorese people during the violent Indonesian occupation. They are the Nobel Peace Prize Bishop, Carlos Ximenes Belo who is now in a monastery in Portugal (and punished by the Vatican in a ridiculous way) and the former priest Richard Daschbach currently in an East Timor prison.
The spokesperson for many former boys harassed in the past is a very influential American association, that asked Cardinal Sean O'Malley, already an influential collaborator of the Pope, to report to Bergoglio on the need to shed light on the scandalous events.
To begin with, they say, "citing the names of the abusers", openly quoting them in public speeches, so as to urge the Timorese "to stop supporting them. The victims of East Timor certainly feel frightened and alone».
The continued popularity of the two perpetrators of sexual offenses, in fact, is still very high despite the crimes. And among the supporters is also the president and prime minister of the country, whose support has in fact created a general climate in which the victims feel intimidated to come forward. "A large number of victims in East Timor are likely afraid to report as they watch powerful predators baske in public affirmation," said Barrett Doyle of BishopAccountability. «It's a gloomy situation that Pope Francis could change».
Founded in 2003, documents the crisis of child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church. It offers a large online collection of documents and reports. Its mission is to give the public access to information related to the abuse crisis around the world. It is an independent non-profit organization that demands transparency and accountability.
Among the supporters of the abusers are also influential state officials, starting with the president of East Timor, José Ramos-Horta, who publicly praised his friend Bishop Belo, claiming that he would welcome him back to the country at any time. He also added to the AP that he hoped that the Pope would not mention the crimes at all because "it would be like accusing someone twice". A widely shared position also in the Timorese Church. Of course, it is not known if Cardinal O'Malley has already had the opportunity to inform the Pope. In any case, in the next Asian stage, he will be facing a crossroads: denouncing and condemning the pedophile bishop as the victims of pedophilia ask him to do, or being silent as the President of East Timor expects.