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Why some MAPs are treatment skeptical

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2024 6:02 pm
by Fragment
In 1979–80, contributors to the pedophile liberation magazine Pan corresponded with the prominent sexologist Dr. John Money of the Johns Hopkins medical school about the ethics of chemical castration. Money had recently recommended to the Maine legislature that, rather than cutting off the nerve supplies from the penises of pedophiles, they should be treated with sex-repressive drugs instead. “Face the facts,” Money wrote to Pan. “Pedophilia is not currently acceptable in most legal jurisdictions of the US and Europe. . . . I think you would be well advised to learn how to join forces with your natural allies in science and medicine in this less than perfect world.” “With friends like that, who needs enemies?” quipped an anonymous writer for the magazine.
"Here, let me help you by destroying you." Not all therapists are like that. But many with a "harm prevention" focus are.