Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2024 6:47 pm
I'm WandersGlade/PorcelainLark
My first involvement with the MAP community was this year because before that I experienced severe anxiety about it.
Roughly speaking, I take a contact complex position, i.e. consequentialist anti-contact + reform pro-contact (though I have caveats: not all contact currently puts a child at risk of trauma, though you should act like it does; and legal reform wouldn't be sufficient to change this because it's as much a cultural and psychological problem as a legal one).
An opinions I hold which I expect some people will find off-putting:
My alternative to child liberationist approaches of MAPs' interests, which I call "sex-positive paternalism"; basically I emphasis the fear of sex as having more importance than the underestimation of the agency of children in why there is a stigma against intergenerational relationships. In my view teleiophiles own uneasiness with sex, is a big part of the reason why they feel the need to hide it from children. If they could learn to overcome their own guilt and shame about sex, they wouldn't mourn the loss of sexual innocence.
I tried to do a survey of coming out experiences, with the long term view of creating a risk assessment guide for coming out. It wasn't entirely successful.
Generally speaking my view is to get to origins of the stigma and try to challenge it directly. Towards this end, my current historical interpretation is that the stigma against MAPs is derived from the fear of child prostitution.
At times I've gotten into heated arguments before (with people on AtF, for example) however I'm trying not to do that anymore because getting angry doesn't actually make me feel good.
I hope we'll be able to push things forward, since I feel like even another millisecond is already too much time for our lives to be disrupted by prejudice.
My first involvement with the MAP community was this year because before that I experienced severe anxiety about it.
Roughly speaking, I take a contact complex position, i.e. consequentialist anti-contact + reform pro-contact (though I have caveats: not all contact currently puts a child at risk of trauma, though you should act like it does; and legal reform wouldn't be sufficient to change this because it's as much a cultural and psychological problem as a legal one).
An opinions I hold which I expect some people will find off-putting:
My alternative to child liberationist approaches of MAPs' interests, which I call "sex-positive paternalism"; basically I emphasis the fear of sex as having more importance than the underestimation of the agency of children in why there is a stigma against intergenerational relationships. In my view teleiophiles own uneasiness with sex, is a big part of the reason why they feel the need to hide it from children. If they could learn to overcome their own guilt and shame about sex, they wouldn't mourn the loss of sexual innocence.
I tried to do a survey of coming out experiences, with the long term view of creating a risk assessment guide for coming out. It wasn't entirely successful.
Generally speaking my view is to get to origins of the stigma and try to challenge it directly. Towards this end, my current historical interpretation is that the stigma against MAPs is derived from the fear of child prostitution.
At times I've gotten into heated arguments before (with people on AtF, for example) however I'm trying not to do that anymore because getting angry doesn't actually make me feel good.
I hope we'll be able to push things forward, since I feel like even another millisecond is already too much time for our lives to be disrupted by prejudice.