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OPEN LETTER to Austin PD liaison officer Mendoza.

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2024 7:26 pm
by SCOTUSbaby
This is with regard to the activities of a vigilante group in Austin, as brought to my attention by BC poster boycel.


As a Performance Artist, the non-response is sometimes even more interesting than the response.
It's also very much to the benefit of the younger generation, to see how year after year of patient, calm compaigning . . . eventually brings in a harvest of fruit.


Officer Mendoza is the LGBTQ community liaison for the Austin Police Department.

You can read his story here: ... community/


Hi Officer Mendoza,

Jay Carnicom via Twitter (
BoyChat (
Map-Union (
Boyce of Reason podcast, a model of calm discussion.

I'm writing from San Diego, CA, because I have some concerns about self-documented anti pedophile vigilante activity in Austin TX.

I have a podcast, where I discuss boy-love from the Classical point of view.
Here you can hear me and Todd Nickerson reciting Pygmalion from Ovid's Metamorphoses. He and I are both celibate. The virtue-casts are offered as BL owned and operated space, where the issues of the day can be discussed in a calm and rational manner.

Here's BoyChat, a board for boy-lovers, where people are naturally concerned about anti-pedo vigilante behavior. Bad enough when it's a matter of luring people with dirty chat, but completely beyond the pale, when it comes to knocking them unconscious with a pumpkin.

(I post as Scotusbaby.)

"Jay Carnicom" is an Austin-based anti-pedo vigilante.
Here's Jay's website, featuring his activities (luring people in with dirty chat with imaginary teenagers, and then assaulting them.)

In particular, the BoyChat posters (and many others) are concerned about luring people in by dirty chat, and then bashing them in the head with a pumpkin. (!) How is that not assault? Why are people in Austin allowed to engage in this sort of activity, and brag about it online?

Having come up through the ranks of gay activism in the 1980's (running UCSD's L/G group, taking a bus-load of students to Sacramento to protest for gay marriage, comforting those that had been gay-bashed,) I am concerned to see the old gay-bashing dynamics emerging again.

The ideal podcast would involve Jay coming on and putting his views, and a representative from the BC community putting their views. That would be FREE SPEECH at its best.

The reality is, it's been extremely difficult to get Americans in the 2020's to come on a podcast to talk about BL issues. My position, as a reciter of Classical Poetry, is rather unique, in that being a boy-lover (and celibate) is a natural part of the public identity of being a rhapsode, a reciter of Greek poetry. But outside of Greek poetry, there has never been an open discourse about BL, in the USA, particularly not in the "red states."

This discussion is being conducted on an OPEN LETTER basis, in that my overtures to APD, your response or lack of response, and the discussion that follows, will be posted to Jay's twitter feed, and to BoyChat, Map-Union, etc, as documentation of the process of transition from NOT TALKING ABOUT boy-love, to TALKING ABOUT boy-love.

As the LGBT community liaison for Austin, I would like to ask you to do a one hour podcast with me, in which we discuss the the morality, the rights and wrongs, of what the vigilantes are doing, in your city.

On the one hand,
Is it morally acceptable to do nothing, when men are picking up boys online for sex?
On the other hand,
Is it morally acceptable to bash people in the head, when the non-existent "crime" is entirely text-based, and is entirely instigated by vigilante fraud?

In addition to the Austin Police Department's response to the vigilante action in their own neighborhood, I am very interested in the larger picture of Boy-Love activism in the 2020's, whether it will follow the course of L/G activism and Trans-activism, with society accepting boy-love peacefully, or whether there will be spiraling anti-pedo actions and pro-pedo actions, which, at worst, could split the country.

In particular, I am concerned about the dynamic (which I call #Pedoschwing2025) of excessive anti-pedo violence leading, among the woke, progressive, SJW crowd, to excessive green-lighting of pedophile behavior. As a keen student of Plato's Phaedros, I think proper boy-love is a matter of steering clear of the extremes of NO male role-modeling, and the kind of behavior (boy abduction) we see in the Zeus / Ganymede myth. In particular, I focus on reciting Pindar Olympian #1, which contrasts the myths of Zeus abducting Ganymede (and you never hear of that boy again!) to Poseidon having a relationship with Pelops, and Pelops growing to manhood and heterosexuality, with Poseidon's help. I think it helpful to have that contrast be a part of contemporary discussion.

I'm sure you're as keen a student of the history of gay activism as I am: Stonewall, the Zaps, the APA decisions to destigmatize and de-medicalize homosexuality, etc.

The necessary consequence of "Gay Rights," is that a society which has OK'd adult-adult homosexuality, then, in the course of time, has to have the discussion over the rights and wrongs of boy-love, and MALE/male role-modeling in general, a need which is brought into terrible sharpness and clarity by the current (triumphal) moment of trans-visibility and trans-rights. Boys that are given no male role-modeling, will likely take women as role-models, for how they are going to be, and what they are going to do. But this only occurs in the absence of good male role-models, to whom the boys would naturally look for cues on how to behave, how to dress, how to express feelings, how to work, etc. But there can be no good male role-modeling, when ALL man/boy contact has been suppressed, due to "fear of pedo" or "fear of masculinity," and those trends of been gaining ground enormously in recent years. It is very sad to observe how, when boy-love is not carefully trained, restrained, disciplined, then only the ugliest and most perverse and most desperate sort of boy-love can be seen to exist in America. Under such circumstances, good boy-love, what I call the "elderly celibate merit-badge counselor" type of boy-love, will be repressed, to the delight of vigilantes who want to take out their fear and anger on out-of-control boy-lovers, stemming from their own bad experiences as boys, and to the delight of those feminists who who want to shut down the whole male gender.

The beginning of the discussion will be very painful, as a lot of repressed emotions will begin coming out. People will want to tell stories about the good male role-modeling they had, or the bad, or the lack.

But when I say "#PedoSchwing2025," I'm referring to the discussion beginning . . . next year. That is, about five years ago, conservative commentators (Daily Wire, Blaire White, etc) were saying "In about five years...." with regard to BL. That is, they seemed to feel that significant barriers would start to fall, about five years from 2020 . . . and here we are, (almost) in 2025. On hearing those predictions, I felt the need to make a little meme, to mark that historical development.

Another key historical turning-point from that era, is Dr. James Cantor's notorious INCLUDE THE P tweet.

Again, please consider your response (or non-response) carefully, as the point of having a pod-cast is to focus public attention and debate on issues that our relevant to the community as a whole, issues which are very aggressively being "not-discussed."
It certainly looks like the vigilantes are committing assaults, and not in self-defence, either. It is not a matter of addressing (hushing up) my concerns on a personal level. A group, currently active in Austin, has repeatedly committed assaults on Texans, over incidents the vigilantes have instigated themselves, by fraud, and this, I believe, warrants a response from the Austin Police Department.

I look forward to hearing from you.

---Mark Miner (Scotusbaby on BoyChat.)