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Online Community builiding

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2025 7:48 pm
by G@yWad43
The next big things our community needs is
1.Build a sizable online presence.
2.Start orgnanzing protest in real life.
1.Is very possible, and something we are already doing, but we are not taking advantage of the oppertunities. We need to try to reach the younger generations, since they are the ones most hysterical about maps and the ones rapidly gaining political power. We need to be creating more memes and info graphics on maps. We need to take both ourselves and antis less seriously and start posting absurdist memes that gen z likes(There are two videos called cringe map memes on fst tube by the creator pdfile that are really funny with a drake audio and highlight exactly the type of absurdist memes we should be posting.) Fst tube in general needs a community. Art is really important, it connects emotionally and spreads an easy message. Theres plenty of young artists in our community. Use that talent to make map memes, use that talent to create map comics and map short stories, make animation memes and story boards focused on mapness. Post that on fst tube, post them on ao3. The ped med form of actvism will get us no where in the long term, the pedosteria isnt built on science or logic, its built on emotions, and art is the perfect way to connect emotionally. Fst tube is a great place to build our community yet we refuse to take advantage. The young generation is gaining political power. The young generation likes memes. An obvious activism strategy is make more political map memes that poke fun at both ourselves and antis. Look at what young people post on tiktok, copy it and make it map, boom, easy win!

More podcasts. Podcasts arent that hard to make, just yap into the mic about map things that annoy you

And this will sound like bad idea, but there needs to be map communities that are more lax on who they let in. I tried to joing, but it has a very strict policy for joining and barely lets anyone join. I get that its for safety but thats exactly why their community is so small and only has like two regular posters. How is a map community going to grow with such strict regulations on who can join?

We should start posting links to qr codes and newgon wiki or infographics in fanfiction or in our artwork.

We also need to build off of other communities that are already map adjacent. Start commenting “map pride” on nhentai lolicon comment sections and use the map symbol for your profile, ive already seen this happening on nhentai and its wonderful. Antis already think all lolicons are maps anyway, and to be fair most of them are, so why not take advantage of that to grow a larger community? Draw loli art that has lolis explicitly stating “map pride!” Seriously, a lot of lolicon artists and consumers already admit their maps and draw map content but wont take the final step of pride, they choose self degeneration instead. We need less “im going to hell for fapping to this and” and more “hell yeah I love lolis! Map pride!”. We could also start calling maps lolicons and shotacons and kids lolis and shotas to further blur the line between the map and anime community and stop giving them that plausable denibillity “its just drawings we arent pedos” bullcrap. So many people already make things like cub and loli, they can just sneak in a map flag in the background or a bl flag and help with activism

Abdls arent maps, but theyre map adjacent, and are already muddying the waters between childhood and sexuality despite it being between “consenting adults” which is fucking great activism, even if it isnt on purpose

2.I know its life threatning to try to organize offline, but thats exactly what we need. Stonewall wasnt a chronically online gay server, it was an offline riot. And while most people, including myself, would rather not risk our lives, theres plenty of people crazy enough to do it. I find it hard to belive that theyre are so many maps willing to go to jail over irl lolis and shotas but not willing to stay perfectly legally safe protesting for irl lolicons and shotacons. Map camp is awesome, but maybe wont work in the US and will work better overseas, but we need more of it. We also could start putting up stickers of the map flag or bl/gl flag in bathrooms and such, which subtly spreads our message while also keeping us safe.

Re: Online Community builiding

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2025 8:03 pm
by Bookshelf
Just responding to express my hard agree on the point that we need more memes

Re: Online Community builiding

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2025 8:16 pm
by G@yWad43
We also need to start appealing more to both younger maps, gay maps, and female maps. Theres this misconception that all maps are middle aged and that being a map is just an extension of the patriarchy or ageism. How can a minor map be ageist? How can a female map be patriarchal? How can a Male bl be trying to ruin young girls? Gen alpha, Gen Z, and Millenial maps directly defeat the “middle aged/elderly” stereotype of maps. I saw a pedo hunter video on yt where the map was 18, and most comments were expressing sympathy and how to redeem him instead of blind hatred. Pedophillia will take on this “if even our dumb stupid innocent teenagers are doing it, maybe it isnt that bad”

People are already intresically more trusting of females than males, which can be used to our advantage if we rope in more female maps, espcially korephiles, so that it cant be blamed on “reverse patriarchy” or some stupid bullshit. Pedophilia will take on this “well if even our dainty pretty feminine women are doing, it clearly cant be that bad”.Once again, I saw a pedo catching video on youtube but the map was an attractive young woman of 26, and once again, most comments were mostly just complaining about how pretty she was and trying to make her more sympathetic instead of focusing on her actual crime. If it was 58 year old man instead of an 18 year old, or a 46 year old man instead of a young pretty 26 year old woman, all the comments would just be trying to justify mideveal torture methods instead. Its far harder to justify lighting a teenager on fire in order to protect teenagers or putting an attractive young women with nice boobs in the electric chair(since woman are the primary caregivers of minors and the main ones driving the pedo hysteria in the first place) than an ugly middle aged man with no social life. So the memes and art will have double whammy of drawing in younger maps and female maps.

Re: Online Community builiding

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2025 10:19 pm
by InfinityChild
The idea of non MAP lolicons is still confusing to me tho I'm not a fan of loli so hard to say. Also I totally agree with the message of ur post!

Re: Online Community builiding

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2025 3:50 am
by Fragment
Bookshelf wrote: Sun Jan 05, 2025 8:03 pm Just responding to express my hard agree on the point that we need more memes

Yesmap has a page full of Memes, but it's hard to use them. Posting them in most places will see your account restricted. People are always welcome to make more memes, though. Perhaps a counter meme involving a wood chipper?

Re: Online Community builiding

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2025 9:50 am
by Jim Burton
Has OP seen the paraphile and zoophile communities on Bsky and X? These are the present adjacency-plays, as I have detailed in my essays.

Re: Online Community builiding

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2025 11:52 am
by Outis
I think offline can be safer these days. Obviously you shouldn't meet random strangers and be too open, but I've met maps for sporting and social activities and that has helped to develop support networks which can lead to activism. There is more privacy in the real world to discuss activism and real action can be taken. Online it's too easy to be passive and lathargic and watch the world go by and it's too easy to get observed and actions twisted into something negative.

Re: Online Community builiding

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2025 8:35 pm
by G@yWad43
Outis wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 11:52 am I think offline can be safer these days. Obviously you shouldn't meet random strangers and be too open, but I've met maps for sporting and social activities and that has helped to develop support networks which can lead to activism. There is more privacy in the real world to discuss activism and real action can be taken. Online it's too easy to be passive and lathargic and watch the world go by and it's too easy to get observed and actions twisted into something negative.
I would agree, but how is it possible to make map friends offline? “Heyo buddy, im a pedophile and I want to screw your son, and if you feel the same way, we should be friends!” Its not like homosexuals in the 70s and 80s where they had an offline dogwhistle to find each other like flamboyent mannerisms.

Re: Online Community builiding

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2025 7:36 pm
by Harlan
G@yWad43 wrote: Sun Jan 05, 2025 7:48 pm ...
More podcasts. Podcasts arent that hard to make, just yap into the mic about map things that annoy you
I think this is very important.
We are not seen or heard, which creates the "Boogeyman effect". We are in the era of video content, so it is desirable that podcasts have video.To do this, it is not necessary to show real faces and voices; they can be hidden and changed, and now completely remade using neural networks. But it is important that everyone sees and hears us as real people, and not as the fantasy tale about monster .

Re: Online Community builiding

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2025 9:37 pm
by Outis
G@yWad43 wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 8:35 pm
Outis wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 11:52 am I think offline can be safer these days. Obviously you shouldn't meet random strangers and be too open, but I've met maps for sporting and social activities and that has helped to develop support networks which can lead to activism. There is more privacy in the real world to discuss activism and real action can be taken. Online it's too easy to be passive and lathargic and watch the world go by and it's too easy to get observed and actions twisted into something negative.
I would agree, but how is it possible to make map friends offline? “Heyo buddy, im a pedophile and I want to screw your son, and if you feel the same way, we should be friends!” Its not like homosexuals in the 70s and 80s where they had an offline dogwhistle to find each other like flamboyent mannerisms.
In the early to mid twentieth century it was no less dangerous to be gay than it is to be a pedophile today, arguably it was more dangerous, at least in the UK and many other countries. But they still did form offline networks, they still made real world friends and performed real world activism. They didn't walk up to people and say "I'm gay and like to have sex with men, do you like to have sex with men?" because that alone would be enough to go straight to prison. History is full of groups pushed to the edges of their societies but they still met and made a difference offline. Christians in the early days of the religion are another example.

And I have met many map's offline, still single digits but only just and I've never had any problem's come from that but I've built some life long friendships from it. There are many people in the map communities who have been around a long time who you can a fairly high degree of trust in, especially if you've stuck around and got to know people. And they know people and those people know people and so whereever you live there will be people you can connect to and become real world friends with, safely. But it isn't something that happens over night with no effort. That's only one way to build real world friendships. Another is to just be observant of people around you, subtle testing of the water.

I know someone who did something next level which I'm still not sure about but he would look out for people who got into trouble for things like cp and he'd find ways to connect with them and offer to help them getting back on their feet. He would never add any pressure, he would just contact them and say he was someone who had gone through similar challenges in the past and now likes to help people going through these challenges. If they wanted to talk, wanted a friend, wanted help or advice then here's how to reach him. He told me often they wouldn't but sometimes they would and he got help people sometimes when they had no one else to turn to, that made him feel good and he made friends through it, men and women in tough times.

There will be other ways, but real world networking has always been essential for any change.