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Well this is interesting.
Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2025 4:37 pm
by KnightofHope
Video title. Inside the only country that won't report pedophiles to the police.
Uploader: Andrew Gold.
Re: Well this is interesting.
Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2025 4:50 pm
by terminally_unique
I haven't even watched the video yet, and I can already tell that it's disingenuous and fearmongering. Most pedophiles aren't reported to the police in any country because most pedophiles don't have sex with children let alone disclose it to a therapist.
Re: Well this is interesting.
Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2025 1:04 am
by PorcelainLark
I'd be curious to see the statistics of whether countries that do report have more offenses than Germany. Not that evidence changes people's minds. Also, it was pretty weird the way he reframed what Silas saying; he claims he's more likely to offend if he gets depressed and he gets depressed if he avoids children, the interviewer turns that into him claiming child are safer around him (children could be less safe and he could be less likely to offend at the same time).
Also, how do we know the boy the other man talked about was manipulated? Did the interviewer see the evidence after the interview? I'm guessing it's just the meme that kids are innately sex averse.
I seriously hope Germany doesn't cave in to outside influence on this. I feel pessimistic though.
Re: Well this is interesting.
Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 4:37 am
by Bookshelf
If there's a country where pedophilia actually is normal compared to other countries; and people living here are less likely to report AMSC; and more people experience AMSC from the minor's point of view on average than other countries, then surely we can look at facts and figures on this country to prove once and for all that AMSC is wrong. We could look at whether or not the adult population is more traumatized than other countries, for example. We could look at how well adjusted on average adults are compared to others. We could look at statistics on how children perform in schools and compare them to other places, and so on.
If it's true that AMSC is harmful in the ways that society claims it is — then a country where it's not taken as seriously should perform poorly in all of these areas, and more. Is that the case here in Germany? Clearly not.
Re: Well this is interesting.
Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 11:47 am
by Fragment
Germany is still, to some degree, holding the line. It draws a clear distinction between children (under 14) and youth (14-17). Even when it comes to attraction towards children it is focused on help. They realize that mandatory reporting means that a single-time offender has no-one to talk to and is likely to become a serial offender.
I've heard the general public sentiment is still fairly "anti-pedo". But it's not like there is anywhere that actively likes or promotes pedophilia. Not anymore.
Re: Well this is interesting.
Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 4:54 pm
by Xuxa Nuit
I used to hang out at the German GL board. I think it's closed now.
I don't even speak the language, I would cut & paste text through a translator just to hang out there.
I like Germany. Czech Republic too.
Good peds, bad peds, I'm on board.
Thanks for sharing the YT video Fragment, I enjoyed it, kinda.