fraise wrote: Sun Mar 23, 2025 9:08 pm
sorry for not responding (it was only for 2 days, but still)
No worries. I'll be away for 2-3 days this week, going to another city for medical appointments and fun.
fraise wrote: Sun Mar 23, 2025 9:08 pm
a question: can i like younger individuals AS a minor ( specifically imagining myself in the position as an adult with them)) and be considered a “map”? maybe i just havent done enough research
doesnf the “p” stand for person????? so like???????? i can???????????????????????
Most MAPs find out about their preferences in their mid-teens. As stated in
my own intro, I was only 12 when I realized that something was "different" about my sexuality. Between ages 10 and 12, I didn't find any pornographic star attractive that was above 18/19, and even among them, the proportion I was attracted to was lower than 10%. At 12, I found lolicon. But the denial made me call myself a
nijikon attracted to childlike characters. I secretly hoped I'd grow out of it. At age 15, I fell in love with a 7-year-old distant cousin, and at that point, the denial became an untenable position. I didn't know the acronym MAP at the time; I reluctantly (to say the least) accepted the fact that I was, at least in part, a
paedophile. I already felt very much like an adult by then (I would enter university the next year), so I didn't really have to "imagine myself" as one. Due to difficult family circumstances, I had to have the role of a father to my two sisters from age 10-11 onward, so I had to mature fast.