Sexual Hypocrisy

A place to talk about MAP/AAM-related issues in general. This includes the attraction itself, associated paraphilia/identities and AMSC/AMSR (Adult-Minor Sexual Contact and Relations).
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Brain O'Conner
Posts: 9
Joined: Sat Oct 05, 2024 12:08 am

Sexual Hypocrisy

Post by Brain O'Conner »

A lot of people want that special someone they desire to be with. It could be the persons looks, personality, what that person does, and many more things that are the catalyst of how that person makes you feel that draws you towards person. There could be a good-looking person that may make you feel either sexually excited, romantically/emotionally attracted, or many more things that draws you to that person. From simply strong feelings for a person, it can turn into something of a strong bond and loving relationship. Most of us had experienced these feelings and desires before whether as a young child, teen, or an adult. But here is the thing, despite us as human beings experiencing these feelings and desires at almost any age, the world as a whole condemns, humiliates, threatens, and demonize adults who have either have sexual and/or romantic/emotional attraction towards a child, say eight, nine, or ten years old, despite a lot of people having those kinds of feelings and desires around those ages and younger. People as a whole justify their disdain for adults who have attractions like that for children because they either view children as having no sexual and/or romantic/emotional feelings and desires and solely engage in "sexual activity" like self-touch out of curiosity and self-soothing, they're not neurologically developed enough to understand what it is that they're doing and the potential consequences of sexual activity regardless of their desire to explore and express that with an adult and sometimes their own peers, they are not physiologically developed enough to enjoy sexual activity, and therefore all the reasons aforementioned makes those kinds of relationships/interactions between a child and an adult abusive and thus inherently evil/harmful. Those are the core reasonings why people have so much disgust for people who have feelings and desires like that for children, despite how wrong they are for those reasons which I will debunk a later time regardless of how little truth those popular beliefs hold. Not only that, but people feel disgusted at it simply because it's aesthetically displeasing and socially taboo and weird. To me, it's pure hypocrisy for us as human beings to have those kinds of feelings and desires as children but to turn around and bash the adult who has those same exact feelings that he/she wants to reciprocate that the child has. No matter where you stand on this, you cannot deny the hypocritical nature that the world as a whole has for relationships/interactions like that. It's just an observable fact.
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