A social auto-immune disease

A place to talk about Minor-Attracted People, and MAP/AAM-related issues. The attraction itself, associated paraphilia/identities and AMSC/AMSR (Adult-Minor Sexual Contact and Relations).
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A social auto-immune disease

Post by FairBlueLove »

I was thinking that the way society behaves towards minor attracted persons could be compared to an auto-immune disease. It's like when the body mistakenly attacks its own healthy cells, leading to more harm than good to the body as a whole. Maybe this comparison could be a useful and interesting way to describe the reaction of society towards MAPs while discussing matters during debates. Have you ever considered this analogy before?

P.S.: Of course this could be applied to other minorities too.
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Re: A social auto-immune disease

Post by BLueRibbon »

Yes, it's a nice analogy.
Brian Ribbon, Mu Co-Founder and Strategist

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Re: A social auto-immune disease

Post by TheOtherKindofPride »

I would argue that this applies to many things, such as over-corrections in society, like how some LGBT folks have gone so far as to openly advocate for the genocide of straight people, white people and men. Once upon a time, the LGBT community actually wanted dot achieve peaceful equality with those who were not a part of their group, but now it seems like too many of them either want domination of those who are not like them or they want to erase those who are not like them (ironically). I think society at some point decided to over-correct for the actually terrible abuses of power that was actually being inflicted against vulnerable age groups, by engaging in unhealthy safety precautions, like extreme sheltering behaviors, "helicopter parenting" and very restrictive behavioral control of their kids, like literally paranoid levels of concern over the location of their children every second of the day. I'm not suggesting that being concerned for the well being of children isn't noble, but anything in excess can be harmful, even "thinking of the children". Of course in practice this often ends up as a hypocritical mess as many adults will pretend to care about children a whole lot, and not actually do much to protect them from proven harm, like unmitigated access to the internet or extremely unhealthy diets.

But hey, at least they gave them a laughably misinformed "stranger danger" lesson at some point, even though statistically the majority of sexual abuses of minors occurs between the child and a member of the family or a close family friend due to the easy access to the child and the opportunistic nature of these types of actual abusers. But I'm skeptical as to whether these "abusers" would even take such drastic and desperate actions if society was more relaxed on MAPs being allowed to have at least some slight sort of sexual contact with children in a monitored and regulated way where they could make small mistakes that they could learn from and not get literally killed for it. Maybe then many of these extreme cases of violent attacks and abductions would be less common because these people would be able to engage in lighter forms of contact in more casual ways, leading to more responsible and considerate sexual interaction with minors, similar to how sexual contact with legal adults already works or regulated drug use and designated drug use locations help curb harmful drug abuse and crimes indirectly related to illegal drugs. But an idea like this, no matter how reasonable and correct it might be, is light years away form even being considered by even the most open minded of folks whoa are not themselves MAPs. It would be akin to arguing with republicans that we should give homeless people support to reduce the rate of crimes they commit. Even if you proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that it'd work, they wont go with it, because its not a matter of whether it will work, it's a matter of you advocating for any solution that is not the total eradication of their "degenerate enemies". It's just fascism, and we are dealing with the same kind of hatred and oppression towards us as any oppressed minority has in history. Not that antis would acknowledge this, as even saying this at all is deeply offensive to them and would only make them hate us more no matter how we worded it.

We literally cannot have a meaningful and beneficial discussion about this topic with anyone who is not a part of the MAP community because they have been primed and brainwashed to have a severe aggressive Pavlovian response to anything that even dog whistles in the direction of being attracted to anyone even a day younger than 18 (assuming that even being attracted to 18 year olds isn't considered creepy now), because the US federal law is the only law that counts it seems, and is the fundamental basis for all human morality apparently. As if America is the word police or something.
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