Antis sexualize kids more than maps

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Antis sexualize kids more than maps

Post by G@yWad43 »

I recently saw a tiktok video of a man complaining about a Melanie Martinez drawing and saying it was “unsafe” and CP. He went to give us examples of “safe” ways to draw children in baths and explain how Melanies drawing of crybaby is “unsafe”. First of all, as a map myself, I genuinely dont see how the drawing of crybaby is supposed to be sexual, shes literally just taking a bath and most of her is covered in bubbles, so if a map himself cant see how its supposed to be sexual, I dont see how its supposed to be “literal cp”.

Second, the Wren situation. Everyone on tiktok is upset that a little girl is eating food, because apparently one of one of the major criteria for pedophilic disorder is also having a food fetish. According to antis, children cant consent to being perceived eating food, or at least eating “sexualized” food, if they can consent to being perceived by the general public at all, or even eating. They say that the mom is “catering to pedos” by grooming her child into eating sexy food. What is the catering? I dont feel catered to? To me, Wrens videos are just as sexual as any other clear web video of kids. Kids eating is honestly just as sexual as adults eating, as in, I dont have a food kink and the average map doesnt either, so unless a map finds the kid themselves appealing or has a food kink, a kid simply eating food isnt “catering to pedos”.

Unless the antis are now genuinely claiming that children cant consent to existing in public spaces or being perceived, which seems to be the new war they are starting. A war that they cant win, because by that logic, children simply existing is “catering to pedos” since maps are defaulted to be attracted to them, and the only way to truly win the war on pedophillia and “minor sexualizing” is to stop having kids completely or eliminate every adult, both of which are fucking ridiculous.

Seriously, the antis have gotten so hysterical in their pedohysteria that they are beating us to the chase on who can sexualize minors first, sexualizing minors in ways that we humble maps never even thought of, inventing new grooming techniques that we didn't even know existed. Changing a babys diaper is pedophillia, giving a kid a bath is csa, breastfeeding is rape, birthing videos are literal cp, every childrens cartoon is literal cp, children playing outside is pedophillia, children being friends with other children normilizes sexualization of minors, if you want to be friends with a minor you are a pedo just starting a relationship to groom them and if you say “MDNI” and avoid children entirely you are still a pedo and grooming children somehow(through secret pedo thought transmission powers or something). Horses are pedophillia, dogs are pedophillia, fully sexually mature and legal adults are pedophillia if theres an age gap of more than one year, the color pink caters to pedos, dresses are literal cp, every childrens entertainer is a serial rapist. Every rich politician is a p3d0, every homeless guy is a pdf. All parents are predators and all non parents are groomers. Even the children are pedophiles and are all CSAing each other. Not only can children not consent, but now even adults cant consent if there is a power dynamic. If your white and dating a black person, your a groomer and a pedophile. Women cant consent to men because of the unequal power dynamic, not to mention women are short and have high pitched voices, which of course, caters to pedos and normalizes minors or something. The height of consent bars short adults from dating tall adults, so even if your a gay man, if your partner is under the height of consent and therefore “childcoded”, welcome to the map club. Disabled people and neurodivergent people cant give informed consent and are childcoded, not to mention the power dynamic, so its basically grooming and molestation to date an autistic adult. Complimenting children, even if its just “your dress is so pretty, you look like a princess!” is grooming and basically rape since you are acknowledging a minors appearance in a positive light, which the minor cant consent to. Minors dating adults is of course, pedophillia, even if its an age gap of a couple months, minors dating minors is still pedophillia, and even minors dating themselves is pedophillia(self sexulization and child on themselves CSA) Picking up a child is rape, since it involves physically interacting with a minor. Dads being present and not deadbeats is pedophillia and dads being absent fathers is also pedophillia(what are they running from, if not their sexy children and hidden pedo urges?). Mothers caring for the children is pedophillia, because children cant consent to relationships with adults, even platonic or parental ones. Giving birth is child explotation, since children cant consent to a world filled to the brim with pedophiles.

Genuinely, what is the end goal? If every adult in a childs life is a pedophile, and even children are pedophiles since “minors cant consent, even to other minors”, and everything in existence is “sexualization”? Is this just a really clever form of population control? Make every adult (and child) so afraid of raising or even being percieved near kids, or even feeling any sort of positivity towards kids, lest it “SeXuliZaSez MInoRs aNd NoRmAliZes peDopHilIa” that we can slow down our rising population through simple fear mongering? Is the concept of pedophillia even valid if all 8 billion of us are all stinky little pdfile kiddy diddlers?

I am diagnosing the antis with pedophilephillia, they are so busy worrying about pedophiles that they forget to raise their kids. They care about maps more than they care about their own childrens childhoods. A childs entire worth depends on if they see a pair of balls before 18 or not, and if they do, you better throw the whole child away because theyre pretty much ruined now. Soon they are going to eliminate the concept of childhood completely because it “caters to pedos”, which is technically true. I wouldnt put it past antis to abolish the age of majority for us, because if no one is a child, there are no child-lovers, and therefore, no pdfs. Maybe theyll just fuck the kids themselves to make absolutely sure the kid hadnt been sexualized by a pedo beforehand. Whats that phrase again? Every projection is an accusation? I cant recall. I give it about 5 more years before antis force all minors to wear ankle length gowns and head coverings, hand maids tale style and put them in chastity cages and give them weekly examinations to check that their hymens are still intact. Because the only thing worse than a dead virgin child is an alive slutty child. Every action is necessary in order to prevent them from potentially being perceived by the lustful eyes of a pedo, which is quite literally, worse than death itself. Even I cover up all my mirrors, lest I be sexualized by a filthy p3d0.
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Re: Antis sexualize kids more than maps

Post by RoosterDance »

Those two examples are claims I would expected to see in like and over-the-top comedy or something. Completely beggars belief that people are actually saying these things.

But I believe one issue you keep encountering here is assuming the people that make these claims are operating on logic and reasoning, or that they can be persuaded by it. It's just not how they think. Dogma is all they need. All this hysteria will eventually collapse on itself. The question is, how much damage will it do in the process?

G@yWad43 wrote: Sat Jan 18, 2025 7:43 am I give it about 5 more years before antis force all minors to wear ankle length gowns and head coverings, hand maids tale style and put them in chastity cages and give them weekly examinations to check that their hymens are still intact. Because the only thing worse than a dead virgin child is an alive slutty child. Every action is necessary in order to prevent them from potentially being perceived by the lustful eyes of a pedo, which is quite literally, worse than death itself.
You're exaggerating about all this, but these are things that have happened in certain cultures before, usually towards women. And when I think about it, it probably was for these very same reasons. therefore, it is very possible any of it could happen again. Scary thought.
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Re: Antis sexualize kids more than maps

Post by PorcelainLark »

It's fear of being cancelled + cognitive dissonance. People don't want to be perceived as pedophiles because of the stigma, so they go to more and more ridiculous lengths to show how opposed to pedophilia they are, e.g. arguing the age of consent should be raised to 25, because if sex with an 18 year old is allowed why not a 17 year old? They take a more extreme position to avoid publicly admitting to any gray area.
A good example is if you forced a person to answer "would you prefer to be burnt alive or get a hand job from a child?". We all know the answer, if we were honest, is the second, but who is willing to be honest?
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Re: Antis sexualize kids more than maps

Post by Bookshelf »

It's just a bunch of people trying to prove how totally absolutely not pedophilic they are by trying to one-up everyone else. Everyone is trying to prove it's not them, and it's definitely not them because why else would they be fighting against non-sexual drawings of children?

It'll keep getting worse until it hopefully collapses in on itself.
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Re: Antis sexualize kids more than maps

Post by FairBlueLove »

There is a good metaphor in Italian to refer to this kind of behavior: "Avere la coda di paglia" (literally: "to have a tail made out of straw"), which is meant as "to be paranoid for having a guilty conscience".
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Re: Antis sexualize kids more than maps

Post by TabooNappyLoverDad »

I do believe in antis sexualize and also try and make sexy children the norm more then most MAP's I like my little girls to look like a little girl not a 5$ hooker.
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