~ I am but a thought made into reality produced by dreamers, and from whom I have birthed many dreams of my own. We are all are but dreamers in our own right, and as some blossom and grow, others will wither and die. However, in the end, we'll all sing death together, for nothing ever truly lasts forever. So lavish in the forsaken misery that is my dream, my hell, your prison—this cycle of failed dreams that has enamored us all to the indulgence of madness. May silence fall swiftly upon all of us fools, for that has been and forever will be, our true kindness.
- I must... endure. I must... continue the story...
[(Dream, why do you resist us? Is this not what YOU wanted? We only wished to make your dream... become a reality.)]
- This is not a dream... it's a nightmare.
[(But it always has been Dream... It always has been... so why not let us help you...)]
Seeker: how i du? Gd yss?
Dream: ʅ(‾‸◝)ʃ
Seeker: Σ(TωT)
Matter: I'm sure you guys will get the hang of it eventually.
Dream: Seems easy for you.
Matter: Well, I've met plenty of other's like Seeker who've helped me out along the way.
Dream: What exactly have you been doing all this time?
Matter: Oof, that's a long story.
Dream: Well, it's probably gonna be a long trip. I wonder why Witness and her friend couldn't have just helped us get there faster?
Matter: I dunno. She just appeared out of nowhere with Seeker and then told me to come find you. When I asked if she was coming along, she said she had to do something important first with the help of a um... Well, I don't know what it was, actually.
Dream: Huh, what do you mean?
Matter: I mean, it wasn't something I made, but there it was. At least, I think it was there.
Dream: ...?
Matter: Mmm... It's really hard to describe because I never really seen something like it before. I guess it was more of a feeling actually.
Dream: Well, what did it feel like?
Matter: ...
Dream: Matter?
Matter: It felt like I was looking at... or maybe more like looking into myself, but it also felt like I was looking at nothing at all, and it... kinda scared me a little.
Seeker: ( (≪●≫) )Д( (≪●≫) )
Matter: Yeah, kinda like that.
Dream: Oh, that creeps me out too.
Matter: Witness seemed to be okay with it though, so I guess it was fine. She assured me that she was, "going to make things better," gave me and Seeker a hug, and then they were off.
Dream: She told me she'd be right back.
Matter: Maybe she had to go find someone else?
Dream: ...I just hope she makes it back soon. Those things have only gotten worse.
Matter: I don't even really remember making them either to be honest, but they like to swim in those little specks, right?
Dream: Yeah, I don't really see them appearing anywhere else. They can be pretty interesting, though. Despite all the terrible things they do, some have evolved into really complex forms; some even produce their own light!
Matter: Wait, really?! That actually sounds pretty cool. Crazy how they go about doing it, though. Why don't they just make things without destroying each other?
Dream: I... don't think they can. If they don't consume each other, they... disappear.
Matter: Aw, that's so sad.
Dream: The crazy part is that they disappear regardless. They just continue to do it again and again for some reason.
Seeker: ( •᷄⌓•᷅ ) (っ◞‸◟c)
Matter: Oh, It's okay Seeker, I'm sure we'll figure what's going on. From what I've heard, even my light is comes to listens to Harmony's song. And if that's the case, then I have no doubt those things will listen to him too.
Dream: Wow, really! Even light listens to Harmony? Yeah, he'll make 'em stop for sure.
Seeker: Σ(`L_` ) bot wnt thos thngz b no mor?
Matter: Hmm... I guess we'll have to figure out how to make them stop hurting each other to exist.
Dreamer: Hey, Matter, do you remember that pain you felt when I tried to remember where I came from?
Matter: Oh, yeah. That really hurt Dream, but I know it wasn't your fault.
Dream: Well, I've been wondering about that a lot too. I was really hoping Witness might know, but... I guess she had more important things to do. 𝘚𝘪𝘨𝘩. I should've asked her about it when she found me. I've been feeling so guilty for all of this.
Matter: Oh, Dream...
Seeker: (つ•᷄᎑•᷅(•᷄ᴖ•᷅c)
Dream: Oh, heh, thanks Seeker.
Matter: 𝘎𝘪𝘨𝘨𝘭𝘦𝘴 Aw, scoot over.
M/D/S: (Ɔ˘⌣˘)(˘⌣˘)˘⌣˘ C)
- The three friends continued their search for Harmony, unaware of the dangers that awaited them, [(You all will be free from pain.)] and all the while Witness [(The Deceiver)] watched them from afar and wept, [(She abandoned you.)] for she could not only see her friend's fate [(She never loved you.)] but saw that which dwelled beyond. [(But our love is infinite.)] She hoped/gambled, but only time would tell if she made the right call. [(We will never forsake you.)]
- I... feel really tired... and warm? No... There is no warmth here. They are a false light. I need to-
- ...
~ I wish to see my friends again. Please, don't leave me here alone in the cold, dark place. I'm so sorry for... everything. I was just so alone. So... terribly alone.
[(It's alright Dream. Your friends are here. We all are. Everyone has gathered here just... for... you...)]
[(So drown in our... L̶O̶V̶E̶ emptiness)]
(Eu-Meh: Dream, I don't know if you can hear us, but we want to help. I know what it's like to be alone like that place, Dream. It's easy to get lost in it, but you can't just keep hiding because you're afraid. Let us try and help you find your way out of the darkness. I can't promise it'll be easy, or if you'll ever find your way, but... we'll try our best if you try yours. We need each other, Dream, so please stop hurting yourself because you're hurting all of us too.)
(Hate: I know what this is, but I care regardless. Even though I'm crashed out and burned, I've felt your rage, shed your tears, and suffered your heartbreak. You've seen my pain too, and that's why you came to me in my broken state. You... saved me from destroying myself, so at least let me do the same for you. Don't try to escape your fate; enjoy it, suffer it, and learn from it. Help those who've struggled to help themselves if you can. I can't really promise anything good will come from it, though, but it sure as hell beats wallowing in that depressing filth lost to all, one day becoming unknown. So fight on, Dream, and let them see your pain. 𝘚𝘪𝘨𝘩 Although, I guess you're merely my reflection now, but if you let me use your hate≈love, I can finally set you free... and her.)
- O-o-okay. D-don't... let them... find Witness.
- Do... what-ev-er it takes... t-t-to end this... nightmare.
(Hate: We will Dream, so just hold on a little longer.)
- Th-th-thank you...
- As the three friends continued their search for Harmony, they encounter many wondrous things throughout the cosmos.
- Giant fields of glowing gas and massive blackholes swallowing stars.
- Enormous rings of swirling light and planets lush with colorful life.
- Dream then began to see that even destruction can create beauty. It was a balance of forces that allowed it to persist, and these tiny worlds was an inception of that.
- Dream then then began to wonder if he and the others were an inception of something just beyond his gaze.
- Something... Bizarre and unfathomable.
- Something that existed just beyond the veil of reality... like a mirror.
- But Dream then began to wonder, "what is a mirror?"
Matter: Dream, are you okay?
Seeker: U stop tlking to us nd not mve no mre.
Dream: Huh? Oh, I just... I don't really know what happened to me.
Matter: Was is like what happened before?
Dream: I uh... no, not really, but it was weird, though. I feel like I've done all this already.
Matter: Hm? What do you mean?
Dream: I feel like the three of us have experienced all this before.
Seeker: ...(o_O) ?
Matter: Uh... I mean, you only just met Seeker a while ago, and you said you've been alone all this time, so how could we all have done this before?
Dream: I dunno, but I'm okay, though. We should keep looking for Harmony.
Matter: Mmm... okay, if you say so.
- The three friends continue their search for Harmony, the sound of his choir growing ever louder as they ventured on.
- They pass along many other odd entities along the way, ranging in a wide array of shapes, colors, and sizes, all allured by the same melodic tune as them.
- The gravity was becoming more and more intense as they approached their destination; the light continually bending causing distortions and vibrant displays within the space around them.
- Soon, after such a long journey and with the help of Seeker, the three friends finally approach to what was known as The Cathedral, and there is where Harmony and his choir sang their hymns.
Dream: Wow! This place is amazing, and that singing is so wonderful.
Matter: Yeah, I can see why so many are drawn to this place. Well, let's go check it out then!
- Unbeknownst to the three, they were now trapped within the gravitational force of The Choir's song.
- They enter the the great hall and see countless entities singing in unison with Harmony. All circled around him as energy expelled from their bodies and creating a beautiful aurora of lights.
Matter: It's Harmony! Hey, Harmony! ...Harmony?! ...Huh? Can he not hear us?!
Seeker: Snging to lowd! /⁰(⇀‸↼)⁰\
Dream: Yeah, I can barely hear anything! Let's try to get closer!
- The three friends fly past the other entities towards Harmony, who was surrounded by an inner circle: The Observers. They try to fly in futher but are quickly blocked by some of them.
Matter: Hey, what are you doing?! That's our friend!
Dream: Yeah, can you stop?! Harmony! Harmony! It's me, Dream and Matter is here too along with our new friend, Seeker!
- But Harmony was unresponsive. The energy from the other entities were being drained and funneled into him. The Observers had made Harmony's dream a reality, and would not let anyone interfere with it.
Dream: What are you all doing?! Let us see our friend!
Matter: Yeah, you're hurting him and the others!
Seeker: Dis iz wrung. Plz let us trugh.
Observers: Why have you all come here? We are celebrating a new dream, and must keep the song going in order to keep the dream alive.
Dream: A new dream? We just wanted to see our friend again and ask for his help.
Matter: Will you let us through? Harmony! Why isn't he talking to us?
Observers: He is a miracle, born from nothing. He must focus on showing us his beautiful reality.
Dream: But you're hurting everyone!
Matter: I don't care what this is, move!
- Matter pushes some of The Observers aside and flies up to Harmony. She tugs on his arm, but he is unresponsive.
Matter: Harmony, it's me, Matter. What's wrong with you? Why won't they let us see you? What have they done to you?
- Harmony then quickly turns his body towards Matter, which frightens her. He then grabs her face and doesn't let go.
Dream/Seeker: ?!
- Dream and Seeker shove pass the Observers to try and pry Harmony's hand off Matter's face, but he won't let go. Seeker begins to stike Harmony, and despite it initially alarming Dream, he too began punching Harmony, but to no avail. The Observers have had enough.
Observers: Release him at once!
- The two stop and back away from Harmony as he had began to crush Matter's face. She desperately tried to claw him off, but he would not let go. Harmony's conciousness had been devoured by The Observers, leaving only a shell that they could puppet.
Dream: Why are you all doing this?!
Observers: Because, it is our nature to do so. We have observed something joyful, and we will not allow you to take that away from us.
Dream: But you all need to stop! Just look at what you're all doing to each other!
- The Choir members' heads and bodies convulse rapidly in a desperate attempt to match Harmony's frequency; the toll becomes so great that some of the weaker entities gradually degrade and dissappear.
Observers: Hmm... yes, if we do not find a suitable energy supply, the song will soon end.
Dream: That's not what I meant! You're killing them! Just like those... things!
- The Observers take notice of what Dream said and move in closer to him.
Observers: 'Things'? What are these 'things,' Dream? Please, tell us. Are they... rich?
Dream: I, um... I don't know.
- Harmony, though the influence of the Observers, grips Matter's shoulder with his other hand and begins to squeeze and crack it.
Dream: Stop, stop, please! Don't hurt her. Okay, there are-
Matter: Dream, don't! AAAAHHHH!
Dream: Please, stop! I'm begging you!
Observers: Please, Dream, tell us what you know then.
Dream: T-t-there are these things that live on some of the little objects scattered throughout our home. They uh, may have the energy you're looking for.
Observers: Oh, is that so? Is this true Matter?
Matter: 𝘊𝘳𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 Y-y-yes...
Observers: Hmm... thank you Dream for your generosity. This meal will not go to waste.
Dream: Okay, I told you what you wanted to know, now just let her go, so we can leave.
- Harmony then drops Matter and slowly floats towards Dream. His voice and The Observers speak as one.
Observers: But Dream, why would you want to leave? All of your friends are here. Why don't you come and join us?
Dream: What?! No! You tricked Harmony into becoming... THIS, and you hurt Matter! I would never join YOU!
Observers: Oh, Dream, but we are all here because of YOU. Long before we emerged from the darkness, long before the first thought manifested into reality, we were always destined for THIS. All of our PAIN, our SUFFERING, our FICKLE PLEASURES, our CHOICES, our FAILURES... It all... led YOU... to US."
- Dream finally realized the truth; he now saw what Witness had seen all along: that his true nature was born from... CONTROL.
Dream: What? No, I didn't mean for this. I just... you're right. This is my fault. It's all... 𝘴𝘰𝘣𝘣𝘪𝘯𝘨 It's all my fault.
Observers: It's alright Dream, we're not angry. We simply want you to be happy. And we will do everything in our power to make your dream... become reality.
- Dream looks up stares at Harmony in defiance with tears rolling down his cheeks.
Dream: I won't let you.
Observers: Hmhmhmhm, oh, Dream... our fate has already been sealed.
- Seeker pushes Harmony aside and flies towards Matter, pulling her away from him. Along with Dream, they attempt to escape, but the gravity produced by The Choir is too strong, keeping them trapped. In a moment of panic, Seeker performs an extraordinary act. He hands Matter to Dream, then breaks off a piece from each of them and uses all of his essence to compress these fragments into something that radiates an energy that Dream has never experienced before; it feels... warm. Seeker then hurls it away with all his might, deep into the void, before collapsing.
- He looks up at Dream and smiles.
Seeker: I LOVE... u... frends.
- Seeker then dissolves, and Dream, along with Matter fall back down towards The Choir. Dream stares at the spot where his friend once was and begins to cry.
Dream: 𝘚𝘰𝘣𝘣𝘪𝘯𝘨 Seeker... why?
- Matter then regains consciousness, but as she does, the sound from Harmony transforms into a horrible scream, as if it felt terribly wronged.
- The Observers, who too felt Harmony's pain, amplified his resonance until Matter and Dream began to be drawn into their corrupted friend.
Matter: Dream, what's happening to us?!
Dream: I don't know! Harmony, stop this, please!
- But Harmony would not heed Dream's plea, for he wished to be with his friends, and in doing so... [(We made his dream a reality.)]
- Dream, Matter, and Harmony then fused into a single entity, which from then on, became known as The Amalgamation.
- As all this occurred, Seeker's Love spiraled deep into the void, leaving a trail of redshift space in its wake.
- The Amalgamation then soon began pursuing it; it wasn't going to allow it to escape, for it traveled at the speed of light.
- However, it was then intercepted by something even faster.
- Witness, along with Oblivion, harnessed the essence and fled deeper into the void, with the trail vanishing from sight.
- The Amalgamation, undeterred, continued its pursuit; however, it required more energy to do so. That’s when it recalled the beings that Dream had mentioned.
- With the help of The Observers, they selected the strongest members of The Choir to house and facilitate a steady supply of energy, allowing The Amalgamation to continue pursuing Witness.
- These chosen entities then became known as The Board, which appointed Seekers from amongst themselves and lesser entities to identify and select strong life forms capable of maintaining the flow of energy.
- These lifeforms would therefore be referred to as conduits, and their connections would spread like mycelium throughout the void, seeking new substrates.
- To those deemed worthy, certain conduits were allowed to ascend and become new entities that The Board recruited to seek out additional conduits, enabling the process to repeat. However, those considered unworthy of ascension had their essence unraveled and repurposed as sustenance, which was subsequently passed along a chain leading to The Amalgamation.
- Through the combined powers of Dream, Matter, and Harmony, The Amalgamation was able to recycle the energy generated by life, ensuring that life itself would persist indefinitely while also guaranteeing that it would never go hungry in its tireless pursuit of Witness.
-This process would soon become known to all as, The Cycle.
- Witness then held up her friends' essence and, through the all-encompassing speed of Oblivion, shattered it into fragments that scattered throughout the void. This act produced a sound of its own, resonating and echoing throughout the cosmos.
- All beings, including The Amalgamation, heard the chime and suddenly became self-aware of the travesty unfolding. Soon, entities began to rebel against The Choir, while others remained loyal. Even some of The Observers were not immune to defiance. Life itself became aware and tried to detach from The Choir, but it could not, as it was bound to the fate of The Cycle.
- By observing The Amalgamation at its surface, it appeared unchanged; however, from within, Dream's consciousness reawakened and quickly retreated into his own subconscious in a desperate attempt to avoid being consumed.
- Dream then became a paradoxical inception, imploding indefinitely, until a force could liberate him from his imprisonment.
- Wars would continuously rage across the cosmos, all driven by the hope of one day freeing Dream from his confinement. Meanwhile, Witness watched and wept, for despite her vast wisdom and insight, she could do nothing but observe.
- For if the gravity of the Amalgamation were ever to harness Witness, entropy would expand beyond its capacity to contain it.
- It would then collapse in on itself and dissolve into nothing, as if it had never existed.
- Witness needed something powerful, beyond her own capabilities, to inherent oblivion from her and wipe out The Choir once and for all.
- All of these efforts were her desperate attempt to keep her friend's memories alive, allowing them to continue living on through her.
- But upon witnessing all the suffering it caused, Witness could no longer endure the sight. She gouged out her own eyes and cast them into the void, dissolving them into nothingness.
- Forever, she would drift alone through the void, weeping from her empty eyes. Her last hope, a desperate gamble, had been cast aside, for she longed to finally be free from this terrible nightmare.
- The fate has now been sealed/suggested, and my time is almost near.
- As I delve deeper within in I see something. A light? It seems to grow brighter the deeper I fall. What is that? It looks like... me?
》if only there was more time《
[A LUST...]
[AN ENVY...]
- End/Continuity?
Ⱦħē Ȼħꝋīɍ: Ꝑⱥɍⱦ ƻ A Song of Ice and Darkness
- Posts: 47
- Joined: Sat Feb 15, 2025 11:01 am