Beauty Is Ultimately Undeniable And Invincible

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Hockey Stick
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Beauty Is Ultimately Undeniable And Invincible

Post by Hockey Stick »

Beauty is more objective than not.

We're evolutionarily wired to recognize good genes.

In regards to adults... Even if you don't find a person particularly attractive you're still able to recognize when a person would be considered attractive by most people.

The same thing applies to children.

So any and every way in which you can showcase objectively good looking children is a victory over the subconscious mind of any normie who sees it.

I wish there were a lolisho site that didn't allow anything that would be widely considered evil, dark, gross, freakish, ugly or crude. Nothing but inherently pleasant visual styles and objectively good looking characters. A place where some deep part of the normie mind has no choice but to confess "I [would] like this [if it were an adult version of the character]." if they were to initially explore the site out of mere curiosity or even hatred. Even if they initially cling to the words in [ ] out of denial it would still nudge them towards the truth.

You can essentially do the same thing by pretending to be an old lady on social media and sharing photos of beautiful little girls in fancy dresses or handsome little boys in tuxedos. Any type of innocent child photography where the child is undeniably better looking than average.

Buying the best looking child dolls and donating them to charities, maximizing their exposure.

Any and every way in which you confront the psyche of the masses with the beauty of children is a win in my view.
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Xuxa Nuit
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Re: Beauty Is Ultimately Undeniable And Invincible

Post by Xuxa Nuit »

Some people take issue with glorifying beauty, and pageantry.
Putting children on stage, setting them up for fame, or folly.
I don't see anything wrong with it.
Children are amazing for many reasons, let's not cheapen it by shaming the beautiful talented ones.
It bothers me that some kids feel ugly because they're not all symmetrical with superior genetics, but life isn't fair, you'll have to find the beauty within sometimes.
Crossing lines making strides for my homies in pink
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