The Fate of All Fools

A place to share written art, such as poems and stories. Please do not post erotica, even in written form.
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Black Mirror
Posts: 47
Joined: Sat Feb 15, 2025 11:01 am

The Fate of All Fools

Post by Black Mirror »

What becomes will too be unmade, and all the while shit stays the same. Clowns and rulers alike frolic in fields of bone and ash; the sun rises from beyond the horizon to applaud them. The world is a viral playground for death and life; would you care to join them? No? Well, that's too bad because Mommy and Daddy said yes for you, so revel in the madness and smile, for you are blessed. There is no god here; there is no joy; there is only the delusion that everything is okay. Let silence be your companion, for no symphony can produce a sound that resonates with the soul like the dying screams of these creatures we call our friends. There is no light here; there is no warmth; there is only a thought cradled by an all-encompassing oblivion.
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