I thought it would be interesting to have a thread about works that most people might not know about.
I'll start with two examples, but both are only available in German. I guess that's precisely why they are less known.
-Holger Niederhausen: https://www.holger-niederhausen.de/
He has many works, most of them are novels. But the most interesting is an entire encyclopedia entitled Parthenophilie. It is focused solely on love for girls, but it addresses it from all possible perspectives: historical, legal, psychological... It's a very complete work. In addition, the 12 volumes can be downloaded for free:
-Uncle Sam's Sexualhölle erobert die Welt: Die neue Hexenjagd auf »Kinderschänder« und die weltweite Enthumanisierung des Sexualstrafrechts unter US-Diktat, by Max Roth. Focused on explaining how the United States imposed its sex taboos on the rest of the world:
https://books.google.com/books/about/Un ... edir_esc=y
I haven't found any reference to these works in Newgon, so I've assumed that many people wouldn't know about them. Do you know of any other interesting works that might be going unnoticed?