Are you mindful of your sexual purity?
Is virginity meaningful to you, or marriage?
Or maybe it isn't, I don't know, that is why I'm asking.
You have my support.
I'm founder of the Proud Prudes Sisterhood, girls who believe virginity is special, and menstruation is magical!
I just think MAPs and AAMs should maybe take sex a little bit more seriously sometimes.
Sex is a marriage of fluids & perspectives. You are married to everyone you have sex with, in gods eyes.
If you want your love to be powerful & meaningful you won't give yourself away to anyone just because you feel horny in the moment.
The way I see things, boys don't have sexual purity, a boy is sexually pure by keeping loyal & obedient to one partner (at a time).
Girls have sexual purity by limiting others from having the memory of her sexuality. Nobody should have memories of her sexuality but her chosen partner (husband). If every guy in town has memories of her sexuality, she's no longer pure and never will be again, unless the memories are wiped from their minds, which isn't likely to happen.
Having memories of a boy's sexuality doesn't change anything, doesn't effect purity.